Resources 20.3
Check out these valuable resources, reviewed by Rethinking Schools editors and Teaching for Change colleagues.
Good Stuff 20.3
For years, beginning in the 1960s, the only source I read that had a radical, intelligent, school-based, and sophisticated analysis of public education was the Canadian magazine This Magazine Is About […]
Letters to the Editors 20.3
Clear and Present Danger Tom Mooney’s comment that “it’s absolutely pointless to be knee-jerk anti-testing” (“An Interview with Tom Mooney,” Volume 20, No. 2) raises a host of questions — […]
From the Archives
A selection of articles from Rethinking School’s past 20 years.
Editorial: It Was 20 Years Ago Today
We launched Rethinking Schools during the Reagan era. A lot has changed since then, and much has stayed the same.
Thoughts on the 20th Anniversary of Rethinking Schools
The noted educator says Rethinking Schools has become far more than a newspaper: It is a movement.
From Tourist Hawaii to the 20th Anniversary
Lessons from Rethinking Schools
A current RS editor explores the important role Rethinking Schools has played in my life and the powerful model Rethinking Schools provides for teachers.”
School Board Journeys
A Milwaukee school board member and former RS staffer reminds us that school board politics are personal.”
Rethinking Teacher Unions
A film on Mexican teachers presents an activist, hopeful vision of unionism
What good are teacher unions? I joined the teachers union when I was a student teacher, though the union didn’t make it easy. Hardly anyone knew that student teachers could […]
Dispatch from the Front Lines of the Voucher Wars
Lessons learned from 15 years of covering Milwaukee’s trendsetting school-voucher program.
A Brief History of Milwaukee’s Voucher Program
Facts and figures that chart the program’s history.
Pedagogy of the Absurd
There's an agenda behind the "reading wars" and it harms teachers and students
There’s an agenda behind the reading wars” and it harms teachers and students.”
Defending Bilingual Education
English language learners come to school with a built-in opportunity to become bilingual. Schools should help them seize this opportunity.
Why schools should help English-language learners become truly bilingual.
Silencing Teachers in an Era of Scripted Reading
This wrongheaded approach robs teachers of their professional judgment.
Apologies to Sandra Cisneros
How ETS' computer-based writing assessment misses the mark
How ETS’ computer-based writing assessment misses the mark.
Students take action to defend their classroom pets
Kids get engaged with school through a campaign to win back their classroom animals.
Standing Up to Military Recruiters
The story of the Los Angeles Coalition Against Militarism in our Schools
The story of the Los Angeles Coalition Against Militarism in Our Schools.
Excerpts from The Line Between Us
After numerous trips to the U.S.-Mexico border, a teacher helps students explore free trade” and immigration.”
Reading Chilpancingo
The border” is not simply a wall
Elementary Books with a Conscience
Books a fourth-grade teacher has used to help students explore the lives of immigrant children.
Crossing Borders, Building Empathy
A 5th-grade teacher uses the short story First Crossing” to promote empathy for Mexicans entering the United States without documents.”

Volume 20, No.3
Spring 2006
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