Teaching Hope in Hard Times
What makes public education so dangerous is that it is grounded in hope. As the editors of our forthcoming Teaching Palestine: Lessons, Stories, Voices write, “one of the wonderful things […]
Defenders of Israel Attempt to Silence Anti-Racist Educators in Philadelphia
Sanchez describes how pro-Israel activists are bringing the war on teaching truth into blue cities like Philadelphia.
Talking to Young Children About Gaza
A Palestinian American elementary teacher provides guidelines for adults in conversations with young children about Gaza.
Excerpts from Teaching Palestine’s Poetry Teaching Guide
In this excerpt from Teaching Palestine: Lessons, Stories, Voices, Christensen offers teaching ideas for several poems in the book.
Israeli Apartheid: A Simulation
Orange Bags, Green Bags, Red Bags, Blue Bags
A high school teacher and co-editor of Teaching Palestine details a classroom simulation revealing some of the inequities Palestinians face throughout Israel and the Occupied Territories.
“Superachievers” vs. “Super Predators”: How the Racist Love of the Model Minority Is Weaponized Against Black and Asian American Students
Au summarizes the emergence of the Model Minority myth and its weaponization against Asian Americans and other people of color, and argues for abandoning the stereotype in favor of solidarity.
Table Talk: An IEP Meeting — from the Other Side
A Black elementary teacher recounts her experience as a caregiver in an IEP meeting.
“Starcups Workers Unite!” — Students Learn Their Workplace Rights
The director of the Young Workers Education Project describes a high school simulation based on recent Starbucks workers’ organizing.
Why We Need to Teach the History of the Environmental Justice Movement
A high school social studies teacher discusses ways to teach the rich history of multiracial, community-based environmental organizing in the United States.
Our picks for books, videos, websites, and other social justice resources 39.2
Check out these valuable resources, reviewed by Rethinking Schools editors and Teaching for Change colleagues.
Teaching for Climate Justice: My Top 10 List
Bigelow recommends 10 essential elements of a robust climate justice curriculum.

Volume 39, No. 2
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