Volume 5, No.2
January/February 1991
Rich Schools, Poor Schools & the Courts
Class Size Crisis Deepens
Long Term Solutions Evade Political Leaders
Peterkin’s Departure: No Shock
Neither Excellence Nor Equity For All: The Perilous Consequences of Choice
Seeing Color
The Politics of Children’s Literature
The Story of Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott
The Search for Multicultural Children’s Books
An interview with Kathleen Horning of the Cooperative Children’s Book Center conducted by Clare Seguin
Learning and Unlearning Hatred: Treaty Rights and the Wisconsin Curriculum

Volume 5, No.1
October/November 1990
Selma Students Tied to the Track
Once Upon a Genocide…
A Review of Christopher Columbus in Children’s Literature
Oppose Class Size Increases!
Classroom Spaces, Teacher Choices
Bringing the World into the Math Class
Mixed-Ability Schooling: A Radical Proposition
National Coalition of Education Activists
Choice: Cheaper Schools for the Rich

Volume 4, No.4
Summer 1990
Giving Education the Business
Roadblocks to Reform: The Year In Review
Whose America is This Anyway?
The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help us, Mr. Sobol
Ninja Turtles: Commercial Hype on the Half Shell
Rethinking Schools Movie Review
Curriculum With a Conscience – Part II
Poetry: Reinventing the Past, Rehearsing the Future
Remedies for Racism in Our Schools
Imperatives for America's Schools

Volume 4, No.3
Spring 1990
Selma Confronts Tracking
The Seduction of “Choice”
Why the New Assignment Plan Should be Postponed and Redone
Class Size: A Key Reform
Fostering Self-Discipline
Israel’s Hold on Palestinian Education
Parent Power in Chicago
Chicago Parents Struggle to Institute Radical New School Reforms
Earth Day 1990
Books to Inspire Environmental Awareness
A Sense of Wonder
What are our Children Learning?