Rich Schools, Poor Schools & the Courts
The courts, not the classrooms, may be the site of the next big battles over school reform. After a decade when too many school reform plans came down from corporate […]
Class Size Crisis Deepens
Long Term Solutions Evade Political Leaders
Collin Munch, a first-grade teacher at Story School on Milwaukee’s near west side, was lucky on the first day of school. Not all of the 42 students assigned to her […]
Peterkin’s Departure: No Shock
Some in the Milwaukee community have expressed astonishment and outrage at Superintendent Robert Peterkin’s announcement that he plans to accept a position at Harvard University when his contract expires at […]
Neither Excellence Nor Equity For All: The Perilous Consequences of Choice
This past June, Wisconsin State Representative Annette (Polly) Williams traveled to Washington D.C. as a featured participant in the widely publicized unveiling of a book written by two political scientists. […]
Seeing Color
White TeacherBy Vivian Gussin Paley Harvard University Press160 pages $7.95 As a brand-new teacher, I was delivering my first reading lesson to first grade students in inner-city Philadelphia. I had […]
The Politics of Children’s Literature
The Story of Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott
Racism and the direct confrontation between African American and European people in the United States are issues usually considered too sensitive to be dealt with directly in the elementary school […]
The Search for Multicultural Children’s Books
An interview with Kathleen Horning of the Cooperative Children’s Book Center conducted by Clare Seguin
Editors’ note: Kathleen Horning is a librarian and Coordinator of Special Collections at the Cooperative Children’s Book Center (CCBC) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The CCBC receives and reviews every […]
Learning and Unlearning Hatred: Treaty Rights and the Wisconsin Curriculum
As a newly hired legislative aide for State Representative Frank Boyle (D-Superior), Chair of the American Indian Study Committee, the spring of 1989 will forever be etched in my mind […]

Volume 5, No.2
January/February 1991
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