Saving Banks and Failing Schools
The Twisted Logic of the U.S. Debt Economy
The editors of Rethinking Schools expose an economy that prioritizes the needs of the wealthy over those of children.
50 Years Older and Deeper in Debt
The Shaky Foundations of U.S. School Funding
Karp describes the origins of the unjust U.S. patchwork system of funding schools and envisions funding justice.
School Debt: The Great Unequalizer
As Schirmer writes: “School districts with the fewest resources pay the most to borrow.” Given the underfunding of schools, debt amplifies existing inequalities.
Teaching Debt Pollution in Schools
A high school teacher has students problematize the conditions of their school to learn about funding disparities and the disastrous effects of district debt.
How School Lunch Debt Creates Shame and Inequality — and Our Fight to Abolish It
Debt activists examine the shame, stigma, and effects of student lunch debt — and their successful organizing for universal free meals.
Teachers Living and Resisting Indebted Life
Wozniak shares stories of educators grappling with student loans and a growing movement toward resistance and debt cancellation.
“You’re to Blame”: How Financial Literacy Curricula Make Students Financially Illiterate
A high school teacher analyzes the biases in financial literacy curricula and shares how he teaches about alternative economic systems and powerful labor and social movements instead.
The Books I Never Had as a Child
Palestinian Children’s Literature
Weaving her own experiences with reviews of Palestinian picture books, Foty shares books as resistance to the systematic exclusion of Palestine in the curriculum.
Writing for Justice
Using Stories to Teach Solidarity
Christensen has students reimagine literature and their own stories to talk back to and disrupt injustice — and build solidarity.
Teaching Historic and Contemporary Racism in Elementary Classrooms
A teacher educator uses the excellent picture book That Flag to explore ways to address race and racism in the classroom.
Our picks for books, videos, websites, and other social justice resources 37.4
Check out these valuable resources, reviewed by Rethinking Schools editors and Teaching for Change colleagues.
Teaching that Food Justice Is Racial Justice
Swinehart highlights the work of Leah Penniman to teach about the connection between food and racial justice.
Black Land Matters
Dijour Carter refused to get out of the van parked in the gravel driveway at Soul Fire Farm in Grafton, New York. The other teens in his program emerged, skeptical, […]

Volume 37, No. 4
Summer 2023
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