¡Sí, se puede!
From Chicago to Dallas, from Atlanta to Nebraska, from Maine to Los Angeles, and in small towns throughout the land, an outpouring of millions of Latinos and human rights supporters […]
Food Resources
Some Helpful Organizations on Food and the Environment
The Scoop on School Lunch
The Editors of Rethinking Schools
The federal school lunch program is the oldest and largest of child nutrition programs and began in 1946 with the dual purpose of helping feed the nation’s children and boosting […]
Teacher Resistance in the United Kingdom
The testing regime Melissa Schieble so accurately captures was opposed by teacher unions at its outset — but only in terms of workload, not in terms of pedagogy or the […]
Wellness Policy Mandate
The Local School Wellness Policy, part of the Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004, requires each school district participating in the National School Lunch Program and/or School Breakfast […]
World Trade Organization Activity
World Trade Organization Summit on Food and Patenting You are delegates to a special summit of the World Trade Organization (WTO). This meeting has been called to debate genetic engineering […]
Back in 1920, The New Republic reported on an exercise in which the students at a New England college were asked to provide definitions of the word alien. Their answers […]
Resources 20.4
Check out these valuable resources, reviewed by Rethinking Schools editors and Teaching for Change colleagues.
Dearest Anthony Soltero
Dearest Anthony Soltero, Even though we have never met, I cannot let your passing go unmarked. I wish we could have known each other, could have shared stories with each […]
Famine Trial Indictments
British Landlords INDICTMENT: You are charged with the murder of over a million Irish peasants who died in the famine years of 1846 and 1847. These were needless deaths. Even […]
‘Aliens’ Teaching Ideas/Discussion
Before reading this article with students, repeat the classroom exercise reported in the 1920 issue of The New Republic: Ask students to write definitions of the word “alien.” Have students read […]
Sample Language for Wellness Policies
Curriculum and Media Students in grades pre-K-12 receive nutrition education that is interactive and teaches the skills they need to adopt healthy eating behaviors. Marketing of low nutrition foods and […]
Letter to the Editors 20.4
Dear Editors, A few months ago I was approached by the Buchanan Associates in Dublin, Ohio, to appear at the International Reading Association Conference (IRA) in Chicago on May 2 […]
Feeding the Children
As obesity, diabetes, eating disorders and other food-related health problems spiral out of control in the United States, it’s worth taking a look at not only what goes into our students’ mouths, but also what goes into their minds regarding food.
Feeding Our Future
In the heart of fertile farmland, why does a school serve kids such awful food? Thoughts on the dramatic shift in young people’s relationship to food and the land.
Don’t Bite the Hand That Feeds
Although it needs improvement, the federal school lunch program fills a need
Although it needs improvement, the federal school lunch program fills a need.
Fossil Food Consuming Our Future
Americans use more than three times as much energy to obtain food than they do to fuel their homes, writes Starrs: The implications of agricultural energy use for the environment are disturbing.”
There’s No Business Like Food Business
Students explore the secretive journey from farm to table
Students discover that food corporations keep secrets, and ask why?”
Home Cooking
Writing about food can help students feel "at home"
Food connects us to our heritage and our homes. Getting students to write about food can make them feel at home
Sowing Seeds of Solidarity
Schools partner with a nonprofit to teach children and communities about the benefits of fresh, local food
Schools partner with a nonprofit to teach children and communities about the benefits of fresh, local food.
Linking the Land with the Lunchroom
A Look at a a program that brings fresh, locally produced foods into schools.
Yuck! Worms Are Disgusting!
Ecological and social lessons from a classroom worm bin
Fourth graders find their classroom worm bin offers ecological and social lessons.
Hunger on Trial
An activity on the Irish Potato Famine and its meaning for today
A role play on the Irish Potato Famine offers meaning for today.
Lessons from Ana
When a new student arrives from an orphanage in China, a teacher rethinks classroom activities where children play with food.
Soda Contracts
When cash-strapped schools make deals with beverage companies, schools and students lose out
When cash-strapped schools make deals with beverage companies, schools and students lose out.
Healthy Bodies Healthy Minds
A program helps young people develop healthy relationships to food and their bodies.
Got a Little More Than Milk?
Students get a glimpse into the corporate-controlled food system by looking at the politics of food
Students get a glimpse into the corporate-controlled food system by looking at the politics of food.
Good Stuff 20.4
My grandmother Becky wanted me to be fat, and my mother wanted me to be skinny. Becky escaped from poverty and anti-Semitism in Poland around 1904. For her, being heavy […]
Reviews 20.4
Resources to help teachers and students delve into the economics and politics of food
Resources to help teachers and students delve into the economics and politics of food.
Book Review: Grub
Grub: Ideas for an Urban Organic KitchenBy Anna Lappé and Bryan Terry(Tarcher, 2006)256 pp. $12.89 Very rarely does a book as complete and engaging as Grub: Ideas for an Urban Organic […]
A Dark Cloud on the U.S. Horizon?
A teacher's experience in England is a cautionary tale
A teacher’s experience in England is a cautionary tale.
The Irish Famine Trial – Instructions
I reviewed the indictment (included on each “role” sheet) with the class, and counted students off into six groups — five defendant groups and one jury. Each indictment “role” details […]

Volume 20, No.4
Summer 2006
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