Small Schools, Big Issues
A rundown of this special issue.
Man, I Feel Sorted
Bridge: I am a student who’s been sorted for what class I sit in I am a student who’s been sorted for what color my skin is Repeat two times. Chorus: Ciarra: Man, […]
Parents Fight School Closings
During the night and on into the morning of Wednesday, Aug. 25, 2004, a determined band of Chicago Public School (CPS) parents and community activists camped at the front door […]
Why Should Only Pre-I.B. Students Be Challenged?
From a student letter to the Tacoma News Tribune, April 18, 2004
(from a student letter to the Tacoma News Tribune
Questions to Ask About Small School Reform Plans
What role have teachers, parents, and community representatives played in developing the plans for creating new small schools? What populations will the new schools serve? Will the students select the […]
Some Resources on Teaching About School Tracking
From a student letter to the Tacoma News Tribune, April 18, 2004
The Students Are WatchingBy Ted and Nancy Sizer (Beacon Press, 2000).Chapter 4, “Sorting,” is a readable chapter that can be used with students to reflect on the meaning and consequences […]
Resources 19.4
Check out these valuable resources, reviewed by Rethinking Schools editors and Teaching for Change colleagues.
Short Stuff 19.4
Harlem Teen Detained A female 16-year-old Guinean student at Heritage High School in East Harlem was detained for six weeks, along with a female Bangladeshi teen from Queens, based on […]
Strange Stuff 19.4
Public Schools Killed Terri Schiavo? Marshall Fritz, president of the Fresno-based Alliance for the Separation of School and State, argues public schools have educated the rights and wrongs completely out […]
Communities Struggle to Make Small Serve All
For the adjacent Chicago neighborhoods of Little Village and North Lawndale, two working-class, low-income communities (the former predominantly Latino/a and the latter African-American) on the southwest side of the city, […]
Student Voices 19.4
Students Share Perspectives on Their Small School
Students Share Perspectives on Their Small School
Who’s Behind the Money?
While names like Rockefeller, Ford, Annenberg, and Carnegie traditionally have dominated foundation-funded education reform, in recent years a new group of foundations has emerged — Gates, Walton, and Broad, to […]
Good Stuff 19.4
My three children went to a small, rural high school. Despite the fact that it had only 168 students, it was terrible. For years we fought, along with many other […]
Editorial: The Small School Express
If we ignore race and money inequities, small school reform won’t help anything meaningful take root.
Not in Our Name
Reclaiming the democratic vision of small school reform
Reclaiming the democratic vision of small school reform.
Standardizing Small
How testing and top-down reform can undermine small schools
How testing and top-down reform can undermine small schools.
An Open Letter to Bill and Melinda Gates
Thanks for helping start Success Tech Academy in Cleveland, Charney says, but tell state leaders they’re going to have to fund these ideas too or your money won’t be well-spent.
The Gates Foundation and Small Schools
The Gates’ $735 million have made them key players in small school reform.
Small Schools Doubletalk
Small schools reform is often accompanied by familiar buzzwords that can mean different things to different people (sometimes called stakeholders”).”
Creating Democratic Schools
A democratic school culture is the best professional development
A democratic school culture is the best professional development.
A Little School in a Little Chinatown
One of the founders of a folk arts-based school slated to open in Philadelphia this fall hopes small schools can create possibilities for reclaiming communities.
When Small Is Beautiful
An interview with Héctor Calderón by Catherine Capellaro
The principal of Brooklyn’s El Puente Academy for Peace and Justice shows how art can connect students with their communities.
Tackling Tracking
A teacher finds that small school reform presents opportunities to teach about tracking and inequality
A teacher finds that small school reform presents opportunities to teach about tracking and inequality.
Rhetoric or Reality?
Do small schools change teaching practice?
Do small schools change teaching practice?
My Small School Journey
An Oakland teacher experiences the negative effects of small school reform in the midst of a budget crisis
An Oakland teacher experiences the negative effects of small school reform in the midst of a budget crisis.
Bargaining for Better Schools
One union works for meaningful small school reform
One union works for meaningful small school reform.
We’re Not Blind. Just Follow the Dollar Sign
Chicago's "renaissance" could mean dark age for city's public schools
Chicago’s renaissance” could mean dark age for city’s public schools.”
Youth Take the Lead on High School Reform Issues
Sistas and Brothas United
Sistas and Brothas United.
No Child Left Untested
It was hour two of Washington State’s mandated standardized test, and Shannon, one of my students at this small public school for former high school dropouts, was wringing her hands […]
Volume 19, No.4
Summer 2005
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