In honor of Zinn, we are featuring a “Zinn at 100” essay in each issue of Rethinking Schools this year. This is not nostalgia. We commemorate and celebrate Zinn for his ongoing relevance in helping us think about education and activism.
hooks’ influence on social justice education was so immense and so longstanding that we may not even recognize all the ways she touched our vision of the world — and our classrooms.
A film tackles the U.S. occupation of Japan.
Wisconsin Uprising — Justice Is in the Air
We’re Currently Working On Our New Website This page is almost ready. Thank you for your patience as we make exciting improvements to our archives to make them easier to […]
Check out these valuable resources, reviewed by Rethinking Schools editors and Teaching for Change colleagues.
The next generation of soldiers?
My grandmother Becky wanted me to be fat, and my mother wanted me to be skinny. Becky escaped from poverty and anti-Semitism in Poland around 1904. For her, being heavy […]
As is true throughout much of the United States, in Portland, Ore., military recruiters lie to and mislead high school students. They show up uninvited on campus. They call students […]
Years of writing about public relations and propaganda has probably made me a bit jaded, but I was amazed nevertheless when I visited America’s Army, an online video game website […]
Computer Heroics Kids, geeky grownups, and techies can express their inner superhero instincts with the CD-ROM version of the popular website www.HeroMachine. com. The computer program allows users to personalize […]
Correction In the small schools issue of Rethinking Schools, (Vol. 19, No. 4) in an article entitled “Not in Our Name,” I seemed to have committed a few errors of fact […]
We’re Currently Working On Our New Website This page is almost ready. Thank you for your patience as we make exciting improvements to our archives to make them easier to […]
The science behind climate change isn’t hard: Burn carbon-based fuels (virtually all fossil fuels are carbon-based) and you add heat-trapping carbon to the atmosphere. Create oxygen-free conditions for decomposition, such […]
NCLB Rebellion The state of Connecticut announced in August it is suing the U.S. government over the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) law. State officials object to NCLB’s testing mandates, […]
A former student returns from the Marines
It’s Still the Economy, Stupid…
A July poll by Harris Interactive shows that significantly fewer teens, aged 13 to 18, support the war in Iraq. One quarter of those surveyed (24 percent) said they supported […]
SCHOOL-TO-PRISON PIPELINE IN MISSISSIPPI The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) filed a lawsuit against Meridian, Mississippi, Oct. 24, 2012, arguing that the city’s juvenile justice system has operated a school-to-prison […]
The Upside Down Boy/El niño de cabezaby Juan Felipe Herrera(Children’s Book Press, 2000) Featherless/Desplumadoby Juan Felipe Herrera(Children’s Book Press, 2004) At a recent districtwide meeting of bilingual educators, teachers raised […]
Check out these valuable resources, reviewed by Rethinking Schools editors and Teaching for Change colleagues.
On Jan. 10, 2013, we teachers at Garfield High School called a press conference to announce our intention to refuse to administer the Seattle Public School’s mandated Measures of Academic […]
CONTINUING CONTROVERSY OVER NEW TEACHER TEST We write to clarify misunderstandings about the edTPA initiative described in “Stanford/Pearson Test for New Teachers Draws Fire” (winter 2013) by Nini Hayes and […]
Hello Goodbye Hello:A Circle of 101 Remarkable MeetingsBy Craig BrownSimon & Schuster, 2012 A Bintel Brief:Sixty Years of Letters from the Lower East Side to the Jewish Daily ForwardBy Isaac […]