Illustrator: David McLimans

In the small schools issue of Rethinking Schools, (Vol. 19, No. 4) in an article entitled “Not in Our Name,” I seemed to have committed a few errors of fact and representation. In brief, I thank the educators in Boston for correcting what was clearly a misunderstanding on my part. Indeed, the Boston Pilot Schools—19 small schools—were designed collaboratively by the Boston Teachers Union and the Boston Public Schools. The Pilot Schools are part of the Boston Teachers Union contract. Rather than undermining the contract, these schools were designed expressly to educate and nurture youth, and to protect and empower educators and local communities. Crafted with principles of democracy and toward more caring, just schools, the pilots should be credited for their success. I regret any mischaracterization. Thanks, again, to the Boston educators who gently reminded me of my errors. Good teachers always.
Michelle Fine
Call for Articles
Rethinking Schools is looking for articles on the following topics for our upcoming special issues.
Spring 2006:
20th Anniversary Issue
(deadline: Jan. 15)Summer 2006:
Food, Health and Nutrition
(deadline: March 15)
As always, Rethinking Schools seeks articles demonstrating anti-racist, social justice teaching at all grade levels. We are also interested in articles on counter-recruitment activities and teaching about war and militarism. If you have an idea for an article, contact Bill Bigelow, classroom editor at bbpdx@aol.com or Catherine Capellaro, managing editor, at rscath@execpc.com.
Rethinking Schools on Newsstands
Now that we’ve made the switch to magazine format, Rethinking Schools is appearing on newsstands around the country. This has been a critical part of spreading the word about social justice teaching and fighting for equity and justice in education policy.
If you see our magazine at your local bookstore or natural foods store, pick up a copy for a friend and thank the store for carrying Rethinking Schools.
If your local magazine outlet doesn’t have Rethinking Schools on the shelves yet, it’s time to start lobbying. Ask them to contact our distributor: bigtop@indypress.org.
Conferences and Events
Rethinking Schools 20th Anniversary Fundraiser with Jonathan Kozol
Sunday, Nov. 13, 4 to 6:30 p.m. Join author Jonathan Kozol and Rethinking Schools editors for a cocktail and appetizer reception, 2225 N. Lake Drive, Milwaukee. Suggested minimum donation: $50. For more information, call 414-964-9646 or SupportRethinkingSchools@gmail.com.
Jonathan Kozol Reading
at Schwartz Bookshop, Milwaukee
Monday, Nov. 14, 7 p.m. Schwartz Bookshop, 2559 N. Downer Ave., Milwaukee. 414-332-1181. Jonathan Kozol talks about his new book, The Shame of the Nation: The Restoration of Apartheid Schooling in America.
15th International Conference of the National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME)
Nov. 9-13, 2005, Hyatt Regency, Atlanta. The theme of the conference is
“Renewing the Dream through Multicultural Education: Sharing Power, Valuing Culture, and Achieving Social Justice.” www.name.org. 202-628-6263.
Chicago Teachers for Social Justice Curriculum Fair
Co-sponsored by Rethinking Schools,
Saturday, Nov. 12, 2005, 11:00–5:00,
Orozco School, 1940 W. 18th St., Chicago. The 5th Annual Curriculum Fair will have workshops and display tables on social justice curriculum in various curricular areas for all age levels of students. Educators who attend always leave inspired and equipped with great teaching ideas. http://teachersforjustice.org. 773-325-4352