Editorial: Just Math
How to best teach mathematics has been debated for decades. Recently these debates have been rekindled with the implementation of the new Common Core State Standards for mathematics. Teachers are […]
Whose Community Is This?
Mathematics of neighborhood displacement
Students use advanced math to study gentrification, displacement, and foreclosure in their neighborhood.
Transparency of Water
A workshop on math, water, and justice
Community educators bring math into an intergenerational exploration of the environmental, political, and economic issues surrounding bottled versus tap water.
Beyond Marbles
Percent change and social justice
Middle school students analyze a classroom full of social justice issues, armed with their understanding of percent change.
Responding to Tragedy
2nd graders reach out to the Sikh community
When a racist attack kills members of a local Sikh temple, a 2nd-grade teacher involves her students in a journey of connection and solidarity.
An Unfortunate Misunderstanding
Saga of a promising new charter
Helping create an independent charter school seems like a dream job. But teachers, parents, and children soon confront all-too-familiar charter school woes.
Creative Conflict
Collaborative playwriting
A high school drama teacher searches for ways to encourage students to write about their lives without replicating stereotypes.
“Hey, Mom, I Forgive You”
Teaching the forgiveness poem
An English teacher builds community as her students write a poem about forgiving or not forgiving. She starts with her own story.
A Pure Medley
In a class on culturally responsive teaching at Ithaca College, my professor, Jeff Claus, asked us to create poems of introduction. He was modeling how to use two of Linda […]
Paradise Lost
Introducing students to climate change through story
The film Paradise Lost – about the rising ocean that threatens Kiribati – proves an evocative introduction to a unit on climate change.
Seattle Test Boycott: Our Destination Is Not on the MAP
On Jan. 10, 2013, we teachers at Garfield High School called a press conference to announce our intention to refuse to administer the Seattle Public School’s mandated Measures of Academic […]
Letters to the Editor 27.3
CONTINUING CONTROVERSY OVER NEW TEACHER TEST We write to clarify misunderstandings about the edTPA initiative described in “Stanford/Pearson Test for New Teachers Draws Fire” (winter 2013) by Nini Hayes and […]
Hello Goodbye Hello:A Circle of 101 Remarkable MeetingsBy Craig BrownSimon & Schuster, 2012 A Bintel Brief:Sixty Years of Letters from the Lower East Side to the Jewish Daily ForwardBy Isaac […]
Resources 27.3
Check out these valuable resources, reviewed by Rethinking Schools editors and Teaching for Change colleagues.

Volume 27, No.3
Spring 2013
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