Not All Inequality Bother Bush
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Philly Students Protest Edison
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Researching Presidents and Slavery
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Resources 16.4
Check out these valuable resources, reviewed by Rethinking Schools editors and Teaching for Change colleagues.
Shorts 16.4
Classroom Resources This Bridge Called My Back: Writings by Radical Women of Color, eds. Cherríe L. Moraga and Gloria E. Anzaldúa. (Berkeley: Third Woman Press, 2002). 370 pp. This is […]
What the American Flag Stands For
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No Comment 16.4
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Vermont May Reject Federal Money
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Why Talk About White Privilege?
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Does Bilingual Ed Work?
It seems logical: if a student needs to learn English, put them in an English-language classroom. But research and experience underscore the importance of bilingual education.
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Let Them Eat Tests
Bush's new education bill ushers in a new era in the federal role in education — a conservative one that could hurt poor schools most.
Bush’s new education bill ushers in a new era in the federal role in education.
Title VII of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, which transformed the way languageminority children are taught in the United States - promoting equal access to the curriculum, training a generation of educators, and fostering achievement among students - expired quietly on Jan. 8, 2002. The law was 34 years old.
The Bilingual Education Act becomes the English Language Acquisition Act. Does Bilingual Ed Work?
Austin Says “No” to Edison
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Websites on Palestine and Isreal
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Many Thanks
A Thank You to Barbara Miner
Rethinking Schools Listserv
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Linking With the World
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Student Handout: Salt of the Earth
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Jefferson and Slavery
Following are two selections I shared with my students to help them develop a questioning attitude toward their textbooks. The first is from a fifth-grade textbook
Coming Out
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Volume 16, No.4
Summer 2002
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