Reparations and Education Justice

Cierra Kaler-Jones interviews Bettina Love about her new book Punished for Dreaming: How School Reform Harms Black Children and How We Heal.

Trans Students Speak Out

We asked transgender students what teachers have done and could do to support nonbinary students. Here’s how they responded.

Fighting for LGBTQ+ Youth and Families

Jody Sokolower interviews Melissa Bollow Tempel, the Wisconsin teacher — and former Rethinking Schools editor — fired for speaking out about her district’s decision to refuse to allow her 1st-grade students to sing “Rainbowland.”

The Power of Teaching Poetry

Christensen and Watson discuss powerful strategies for teaching writing — and deeply grounding curriculum in students’ lives through poetry.

Schools and the New Jim Crow

The author of The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness applies her thought-provoking analysis to children, schools, and priorities for education activism.

When Small Is Beautiful

The principal of Brooklyn’s El Puente Academy for Peace and Justice shows how art can connect students with their communities.