Losing Our Favorite Teacher
Howard Zinn will be remembered as the historian who transformed the way we think about and teach U.S. history. He was also a brilliant teacher, a passionate activist, and a warm and generous friend.
One Long Struggle for Justice
In his last recorded broadcast, Zinn holds forth on Haiti, persistent silences in the curriculum, and early influences in his life before offering advice to new teachers.
Looking Past the Spin: Teach for America
Most TFA recruits are idealistic and dedicated. But who is behind the organization, and does its approach bolster or hinder education reform?
Do I Really Teach for America? Reflections of a Teach for America Teacher
As he finishes his two-year commitment to TFA, a young teacher ponders the training and guidance he received.
Introduction: Teaching About Haiti
As the devastation wrought by the earthquake fades from the headlines, this is a critical time to re-examine the history and culture of Haiti, and to develop ways to integrate Haiti into our curricula.
Plea from a Haitian American Teacher
It took me four days before I heard from my folks in Haiti. The waiting was nightmarish. When I finally heard from my family—my aunt and cousins, my brother, his […]
Haiti : From Charity to Justice
“Tè tremblé,” were the words our Creole-speaking students at Soehl Middle School in Linden, N.J., used to describe the event that devastated their homeland—literally: “The earth trembled.” Like many of […]
Quaking Conversation
I want to talk about Haiti.How the earth had to breakthe island’s spine to wakethe world up to her screaming. How this post-earthquake crisisis not naturalor supernatural.I want to talk […]
Teaching Ideas for “Quaking Conversation”
Spring 2010 By Lenelle Moïse I want to talk about Haiti.How the earth had to breakthe island’s spine to wakethe world up to her screaming. How this post-earthquake crisisis not […]
Resources For Teaching Haiti
The world has a lot to learn about Haiti. According to the Uruguayan author and historian Eduardo Galeano: Haiti was the first country to abolish slavery. However, the most widely […]
Editorial – Building New Hope
Recentevents in Milwaukee, Wis., offer hope to despairing teachers, parents, and education activists throughout the country: Grassroots organizing has stopped what appeared to be an inevitable mayoral takeover of the public schools.
School Reform We Can’t Believe In
Education joins healthcare, the economy, and foreign policy as issues where campaign promises of change and hope have morphed into Washington business as usual – or worse.
‘Don’t Take Our Voices Away’ – A Role Play on the Indigenous Peoples’ Global Summit on Climate Change
Students learn about the impact of climate change on the world’s most vulnerable cultures and geographic areas, then share their knowledge as they discuss strategy for saving the planet.
Transsexuals, Teaching Your Children
A middle-school teacher describes how he makes his classroom safe for broad discussions of gender identity and explains why anti-bullying curriculum isnt enough.
Learning About the Unfairgrounds
Literature and a tea party open childrens eyes to injustice and the fight for civil rights in the Northwest.
Letters to the Editor 24.3
Pros and Cons of Accelerated Reading I’m writing in regard to Susan Straight’s article, “Reading by the Numbers” (Winter 2009). I successfully used the Accelerated Reading (AR) software at the […]
Oregonians Vote to Tax the Rich
In January, while right-wing pundits were crowing about Scott Brown’s victory in Massachusetts, voters in Oregon sent a different message to the nation: Tax the rich. Oregon is dealing with […]
Getting It Exactly Right
Artful Sentences: Syntax as StyleBy Virginia Tufte(Graphics Press, 2006)310 pp. $16 Beautiful EvidenceBy Edward Tufte(Graphics Press, 2006)214 pp. $52 Syntax is the way sentences are put together, and the way […]

Volume 24, No.3
Spring 2010
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