The Role of Performance Assessment in Developing Teaching as a Profession
The edTPA will lead to better teachers and more professional respect.
Wrong Answer to the Wrong Question
Why we need critical teacher education, not standardization
The edTPA distorts the teacher education process and opens the door to Pearson Inc. reaping more profits and power.
What’s a Nice Test Like You Doing in a Place Like This?
EdTPA and corporate education reform
The dangers to the teaching profession are real, but is edTPA the solution?
Our Grandparents’ Civil Rights Era
Family letters bring history to life
Second graders ask grandparents to write about their experiences during the Civil Rights Movement. The letters bring surprising wisdom – and some thought-provoking issues – to the classroom.
Stealing Home
Eminent domain, urban renewal, and the loss of community
The historic destruction of the Chávez Ravine neighborhood in Los Angeles – to build Dodger Stadium – paves the way for students to understand changes in their own neighborhood. Second in a two-part series.
Rethinking the Day of Silence
When the Day of Silence doesn’t work at a middle school, staff and students look for another way to talk about LGBTQ issues.
“Coal Poisons Everything It Touches”
Coal, climate, and the future of the Earth
Ninth graders explore a plan to strip-mine coal in Wyoming and Montana, send it by train to the Northwest, then ship it to Asia to be burned.
Ban the Box!
A role play on mass incarceration
Should the box about criminal history be eliminated from job applications? A role play helps students explore the lifelong impact of a felony conviction.
The Trouble with the Common Core
It isn’t easy to find common ground on the Common Core. Already hailed as the “next big thing” in education reform, the Common Core State Standards are being rushed into […]
School Closures Rock Philadelphia
This spring, the School District of Philadelphia voted to close down 24 schools, about one in 10 public schools, affecting nearly 10,000 students across the district. The vote followed months […]
Short Stuff 27.4
Crisis at City College of San Francisco
UPDATE FROM SEATTLE: TEST BOYCOTT VICTORY “High schools may opt out of MAP in 2013–14.” This message was sent in an all-district email blast May 13 by Seattle Public Schools […]
Good Stuff 27.4
Navigating Gender and Sexuality
From the Dress-Up Corner to the Senior Prom:Navigating Gender and Sexuality Diversity in PreK–12 Schools By Jennifer Bryan(Rowman & Littlefield Education, 2012) I teach at a school that names social […]
Our picks for books, videos, websites, and other social justice resources 27.4
Check out these valuable resources, reviewed by Rethinking Schools editors and Teaching for Change colleagues.

Volume 27, No.4
Summer 2013
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