“Rewriting the Script”
Together, the following eight articles outline how the standards-tests-punishment machine has subverted public schools from their democratic promise. With action, we can write a future where education isn’t a soulless profit machine for the few.
Think Less Benchmarks
A flawed test does more harm than good
Thanks to the folks at the Discovery Channel
Beyond NCLB
A new era requires new thinking
Teaching in Dystopia
The problem is this: Testing is killing education. Not only is it narrowing the curriculum generally
Reading First, Libraries Last
Scripted programs undermine teaching and children's love of books
In these bleak NCLB days of regimented
The Scripted Prescription
A cure for childhood
Testing mania reaches the pre-K classroom. It saddened me to think that my daughter’s first impression of school was based on taking a test and failing it.”
Bogus Claims About Reading First
When it comes to Reading First, don’t believe the hype
Textbook Scripts, Student Lives
Bonfire of the Disney Princesses
Contrary to their spin machine, Disney’s princesses are far from role models
Underfunded Schools Cut Past Tense from Language Programs
Due to recent budget cuts, teachers focus on the future tense.
A part of American school curricula for more than 200 years
TV Selfishness and Violence Explode During ‘War On Terror
2nd graders discover new trends in TV since 9/11
Six years into the ‘War on Terror
Queer Matters
Educating educators about Homophobia
While we were excited to support the opening of the educational closet
Feeding Two Birds With One Hand
Why educators should demand a national health care plan
I can’t imagine any teacher union leader or local school board member who wouldn’t welcome a new federal program that would make the issue of healthcare benefits a moot point in bargaining.”
Building Teacher Solidarity
Larry Kuehn talks about building ties between teachers in Canada, Mexico, and the United States
“I would really like to see a new movement that gives the kind of hope
for change that there was when I came into teaching in the late 1960s.” -
The Power of Words
Top-down mandates masquerade as social justice reforms
Top-down mandates masquerade as social justice reforms
Short Stuff 22.3
McDonald’s Gets Low Marks Under intense pressure from parents and national organizations, McDonald’s quickly suspended placing marketing messages on children’s report cards in Seminole County, Fla. The joint 10-year business […]
Resources 22.3
Check out these valuable resources, reviewed by Rethinking Schools editors and Teaching for Change colleagues.
Review: Radio Free Oaxaca
Film Radio Free Oaxaca Un poquito de tanta verdad (A Little Bit of So Much Truth) Director: Jill Freidberg Corrugated Films, 2007 (www.corrugate.org) DVD. 93 min. By Kelley Dawson Salas Un Poquito de Tanta Verdad […]
Letters to the Editors 22.3
Thank you, Howard Howard Zinn’s chapter on the Vietnam War (Vol. 22, No.1) was quite an eye opener for me. I knew some of the details leading up to the […]
Good Stuff 22.3
Kasparov, Garry On My Great Predecessors: Part I (Everyman Chess, Gloucester Publishers, UK, 2003; distributed in the United States by The Globe Pequot Press, PO Box 480, Guilford, CT 06437; also available at Amazon.com) On My […]

Volume 22, No.3
Spring 2008
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