Exit Strategies
Finding the way out of Iraq and NCLB
Getting us out of the war in Iraq and NCLB requires challenging the premises that got us into these messes in the first place.
Lego Fascists’ (that’s us) vs. Fox News
What’s so wrong about questioning modern American values such as consumerism and militarism?
A California teacher union passes antirecruitment resolution
NCLB and the Military
A California teacher union passes antirecruitment resolution
California teachers take a stand against the NCLB-aided military blitz on in-school recruiting.
‘Narrow and Unlovely’
How a market-based educational experiment is failing New Orleans children
Before the floodwaters receded in New Orleans, conservative education reformers rushed in selling a market-based future.
Money, Schools, and Justice
School funding systems mirror—and reproduce—the inequality we see all around us.
Shaking Foundations
Education professors fight Virginia's proposed changes to teacher preparation
Virginia professors take on the state’s attempt to eliminate Social Foundations of Education” from required course work.”
Do Ask, Do Tell
What's professional about taking social justice and sexual orientation out of classrooms?
Two Chicago educators question the premier teacher education accrediting agency’s removal of social justice and sexual orientation language from its standards.
Living Algebra, Living Wage
Eighth graders finally get what they ask for: an algebra lesson for the real world.”
Language Lessons
Using student assistants to bridge culture and language
Using native Spanish speakers to instruct their classmates in more than just verbs and pronunciation.
Following The Flame
Choosing literature that empowers
Teacher and students discover that even critically acclaimed literature can disenfranchise as well as empower.
Edwina Left Behind
Standardized tests take their toll in rural Alaska
Edwina did what was asked of her. Did Alaska do everything it could for her?
Can’t Buy Me Love
Teaching about clothes, class, and consumption
Linda Christensen gets students to write critically about clothes, class, and consumption.
Continent Ecology
Children's books that promote environmental education in the primary grades
Children’s books that promote environmental education in the primary grades.
Resources 21.4
Check out these valuable resources, reviewed by Rethinking Schools editors and Teaching for Change colleagues.
Reviews 21.4
Hip-Hop: Beyond Beats and RhymesWritten and Directed by Byron HurtMedia Education Foundation, 200660 mins, DVD The Hip-Hop Education Guidebook Volume 1: A Sourcebook of Inspiration and Practical ApplicationEdited by Marcella […]
Short Stuff 21.4
Crumbs for Kids The percentage of federal spending on children has declined significantly since 1960, according to a recent Urban Institute study. It’s only going to get worse over the […]
Good Stuff 21.4
The Public School and the Private Vision: A Search for America in Education and LiteratureBy Maxine Greene(The New Press, 2007) How Kindergarten Came to America: Frederich Froebel’s Radical Vision of […]
Letters to the Editors 21.4
Testing Isn’t Teaching I found Lisa Gray-Garcia’s article, “Teaching Is Not Testing,” [Vol. 21, No. 2] to be fascinating and disturbing. How can we require exit exams for graduation without […]

Volume 21, No.4
Summer 2007
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