Resources 17.1
Check out these valuable resources, reviewed by Rethinking Schools editors and Teaching for Change colleagues.
Shorts 17.1
Latino high school students in Milwaukee are part of a national campaign to make college accessible to undocumented immigrant students. This October, young people from several Milwaukee schools, churches, and […]
E.S.E.A. Watch 17.1
The federal education law is leaving English-language learners behind.
Keeping Public Schools Public: Voucher Decision Opens Pandora’s Box
The day the U.S. Supreme Court decided to uphold school vouchers — and shortly after a federal appeals court had banned the Pledge of Allegiance in schools — my mother […]
Reading and Writing the World
Poetry is a political action undertaken for the sake of information, the faith, the exorcism, and the lyrical invention, that telling the truth makes possible. Poetry means taking control of […]
Rethinking Globalization: Teaching and Organizing Against Sweatshops
Anyone who has tried to teach about globalization knows how daunting this can be. What is it? Where is it? The concept itself can overwhelm: It’s everywhere and nowhere, all […]
The Puerto Rican Vejigante
The importance of teaching art in its social and cultural context
The importance of teaching art in its social and cultural context.
The Truth About Helen Keller
Children's books about Helen Keller distort her life
The “Helen Keller story” that is stamped in our collective consciousness freezes her in childhood; we remember her most vividly at age seven when her teacher, Annie Sullivan, connected her […]
‘Curriculum is Everything that Happens’
A veteran offers some advice to new teachers
Questions and answers with veteran teacher Rita Tenorio.
Teaching to Make a Difference
Advice to New Teachers from Teachers Who've Been There
Advice to new teachers from teachers who’ve been there: Bill Bigelow, Stephanie Walters, Linda Christensen, Kathy Swope, Kelley Dawson, Stan Karp, David Levine, Bob Peterson and Dale Weiss
Getting Students Off The Track
A new teacher questions the elitism of her school's culture and helps launch reform
“Just make it through the year,” said the teacher sitting next to me at one of the first English department meetings of the school year, “Wait to think about what […]
Best Discipline is Good Curriculum
Running a classroom can be easier when both students and teachers care about what's being taught
During my first year of teaching, I tried everything to get my students to behave. Behavior charts, individual plans. Class incentives. Class consequences. Tricks, incentives, threats. Rewards, punishments. Strict attitude, […]
It’s All about Respect
After 26 years in the classroom, Kim Williams has learned a thing or two
When Kim Williams walked into her first classroom on the southwest side of Chicago, she thought gaining students’ respect would be easy. After all, she reasoned, she had just graduated […]
Día de los Muertos
A Latin-American holiday offers an opportunity for discussion and grieving
Although death and dying are not topics usually covered in elementary school curricula, I had a powerful experience when I taught a unit on Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead), […]
Teachers Beware
An ecology teacher explains how science education is being undermined.
Black Students’ Unlikely ‘Emancipators’
In congratulating himself on upholding Cleveland’s school voucher program, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas quoted the great abolitionist Frederick Douglass, who said, “Education … means emancipation. It means light and […]
Remembering Tyson
‘I’ll never forget the first time I met Tyson…’
Our Lack of Compassion
‘What this world needs is a little compassion…’
Rethinking Schools Listserv
If you wish to be part of Rethinking Schools listserv on critical teaching and writing, please visit http://eepurl.com/g3pwZj. The list is open to all RS subscribers and focuses on teaching […]
Educate for Global Justice
‘The last year has not been an easy time for educators…’
The Fordham Foundation
‘The anniversary of Sept. 11 found the nation and our schools still wrestling uneasy…’

Volume 17, No.1
Fall 2002
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