Rethinking Multicultural Education 3rd Edition

Practical, rich in story, and analytically sharp, Rethinking Multicultural Education can help current and future educators as they seek to bring racial and cultural justice into their own classrooms.

Film: More Than Just Dance Lessons

Mad Hot Ballroom Director/Producer: Marilyn AgreloWriter/Producer: Amy Mad Hot Ballroom, a documentary about a fifth-grade ballroom dance program in New York City schools, is more than a feel-good summertime film. […]

Outlawing Solidarity in Arizona

“Banned in Tucson.” As many Rethinking Schools readers know, in January Tucson school officials ordered our book Rethinking Columbus removed from Mexican American Studies classes, as part of their move to shut down the […]

A Message from a Black Mom to Her Son

An African American mother and teacher educator uses examples from her own childhood to describe how she hopes her child will be treated by teachers, and what she fears.

The Classroom to Prison Pipeline

A master teacher faces a classroom revolt. She realizes that, no matter how imminent the high-stakes test, stopping the school-to-prison pipeline begins in the classroom with student-centered, meaningful curriculum.

Putting a Human Face on the Immigration Debate

For those of us working with immigrant populations, we have in our students living examples that we can use to bring the immigration issue to the forefront and teach all of our students.

Taking A Chance With Words

None of my schools issued uniforms. What I did wear was a uniform in my head which kept me in line, out of trouble. It was a suit which had […]

Pressuring the Gap

Ohio attempts to close achievement gap by focusing on 9th-grade males

Beyond Anthologies

A veteran teacher laments the trend toward mandated curriculum and argues that teachers should choose materials that address students’ lives and social issues.

Edwina Left Behind

Edwina did what was asked of her. Did Alaska do everything it could for her?

Students Galvanize for Immigrant Rights

Viviana, who had only lived in the United States for two years, walked nervously to the speaker’s podium at a press conference on the steps of her high school. Although […]

When Small Is Beautiful

The principal of Brooklyn’s El Puente Academy for Peace and Justice shows how art can connect students with their communities.