Following The Flame

Teacher and students discover that even critically acclaimed literature can disenfranchise as well as empower.

Elephants in the Room

When mainstream media report on urban schools, the real story is often what goes unsaid.

Rethinking Agatha Christie

The strange and offensive history of Ten Little Indians” (Hint: They weren’t always called “Indians.”)

California’s Grassroots Grow

Sacramento On Aug. 13, 2004, the California Supreme Court settled a historic case— Williams v. the State of California. The Williams decision validated the concerns of many Californians that the state had fallen […]

Losing Ground

Budget cuts threaten one of the nation’s best multicultural institutions.

Teaching About Toxins

A Rethinking Schools editor explores the environment’s effects on her students’ health in the classroom.

Children Deserve Classrooms, Not Cages

The same mid-February weekend that Trump declared his manufactured emergency, I traveled to El Paso on behalf of the Massachusetts Teachers Association to take part in a “Teach-In for Freedom” organized by Teachers Against Child Detention. This event, among other demands, “called on the U.S. government to end the detention and criminalization of immigrant children and their families.”

Welcome Poems Trump Hate

A teacher creates a welcome poems lesson to celebrate the diversity of students — and with students.

“We Did What Had to Be Done”

I worked with ArtXpress — a program for teens through the Milwaukee Art Museum — as an intern for three weeks over the summer. Our mission was to choose a […]

The Constant Testing of Black Brilliance

An educator reflects on how the education system has continually tested her Blackness from grade school through professional development, and argues that we need more Black spaces to nurture brilliance.