We’re pleased to announce that the summer issue of Rethinking Schools magazine features a special forum with three perspectives on edTPA, the high-stakes test for new teachers that is being piloted in teacher education programs around the country.
We know edTPA is an issue of great interest to everyone in the field of education as we consider how best to maintain teaching as a profession.
In that spirit, we invite you to read the articles and join the critical conversation about edTPA in the comments section of this blog post.
We also invite you to consider donating or subscribing to Rethinking Schools if you don’t already do so. Because we feel so strongly about the need for education and reflection on the edTPA, we opened up the majority of this issue to nonsubscribers, but as a nonprofit independent publisher, we rely on your donations and subscriptions to keep us going.
Thanks for reading, donating, subscribing, and supporting critical conversation.
The staff and editors at Rethinking Schools
The articles in “A Forum on the edTPA”
Linda Darling-Hammond and Maria E. Hyler argue that the edTPA will lead to better teachers and more professional respect. Their article is titled “The Role of Performance Assessment in Developing Teaching as a Profession.”
In “Wrong Answer to the Wrong Question,” Barbara Madeloni and Julie Gorlewski disagree. The edTPA distorts the teacher education process, they say, and opens the door to Pearson reaping more profits and power.
“What’s a Nice Test Like You Doing in a Place Like This?” by Rethinking Schools editor Wayne Au, puts the discussion in the context of corporate education “reform” as he shares his experience with the test in his own teacher education program.