How I Got Censored by a Southern California School District
By Wayne Au It was almost 7 p.m. when the text came in. “Hello Dr. Au. I’m the assistant superintendent of the District. I need to speak to you right […]
By Wayne Au It was almost 7 p.m. when the text came in. “Hello Dr. Au. I’m the assistant superintendent of the District. I need to speak to you right […]
Brad Sigal Photos When Teaching for Black Lives was first published, one of the book’s editors, Dyan Watson, set the stakes: “I have two Black sons. For me, this collection is about […]
As bad as the Obama/Duncan era was for public education, the current administration is even more hostile, much more corrupt, and more committed to an all-sided privatization agenda.
Summary Membership Associate needed for half-time work in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. This position is responsible for Rethinking Schools’ (RS) customer/member relations and maintaining the central Salesforce database of all constituents of […]
Now is not the time to pull away from social justice education activism, but to find new ways to express it. As schools go onto the internet (at least for older students) — or into hibernation — we need to make sure this happens in a way that does not promote greater inequality.
(Ricardo Levins Morales) First, we hope that you are safe and healthy. This is a stressful and frightening time for everyone, and the uncertainty of where the coronavirus pandemic is […]
“We need to teach every young person the human impacts of climate change and how to combat the climate crisis before it is too late.” By Bill Bigelow Congresswoman Barbara Lee […]
By Ursula Wolfe-Rocca At the end of August a group of student activists presented a letter to the Portland, Oregon, School Board regarding their plans to walk out of school […]
Dear Rethinking Schools friends, Have you seen the recent attacks on Rethinking Schools? Over the past couple of weeks, the New York Post published two pieces attacking social justice teaching […]
By the editors of Rethinking Schools As Mark Hertsgaard and Kyle Pope wrote recently in The Nation, “There is a runaway train racing toward us, and its name is climate change. […]
Macklemore Donation Match We’ve got some great news about Teaching for Black Lives! Hip-hop artist Macklemore is donating up to $10,000 to match dollar-for-dollar school district purchases of Teaching for Black Lives. […]
We call on educators to make commitments to teach social justice, anti-racist curriculum and foster student conversations about the Black Lives Matter movement. We also call on educators to grow […]
By Moé Yonamine “Don’t cry here,” an 86-year-old Okinawan grandmother I had never met before told me. She stood next to me and took my hand. I had been visiting […]
[This is the third installment of our new environmental justice column — Earth, Justice, and Our Classrooms — and celebrates the annual two-day “Climate Justice Fair” at Madison High School […]
By Julio Angel Alicea When Donald Trump was making waves for his bigoted statements about Mexicans, Muslims, and women during the Republican primaries, my high school students, most of them […]
By Ari Bloomekatz There are few public schools receiving as much attention these days as LeBron James’ I Promise School in Akron, Ohio — and it’s because it’s just that: […]
An interview with Arlene Inouye, chair of UTLA’s bargaining committee By Ari Bloomekatz Mediation between the Los Angeles Unified School District and United Teachers Los Angeles failed in mid-October, and […]
By Deborah Menkart His buildings reached into the sky. His businesses just grew and grew. Then Trump became our president — people wanted something new. Believe it or not, this […]
By the editors of Rethinking Schools The 2018–19 school year has begun at a time of terrifying climate disruption, seemingly endless war, spectacular inequality, xenophobic and fascist revival, police brutality […]
By Mercedes Martínez and Jia Lee August 13 marked the first day of school for more than 319,000 students and 22,000 teachers in Puerto Rico. But instead of feeling prepared […]
“Aren’t Grown-Ups Supposed to Keep Kids Safe?” By the editors of Rethinking Schools Kina, the 6-year-old daughter of one of our editors, walked into her living room one day over […]
By Bill Ayers If you pick up Arne Duncan’s How Schools Work hoping to learn something about, well, unsurprisingly I suppose, about “how schools work,” you’ll be sorely disappointed. There’s […]
Teaching for Black Lives has been earning rave reviews since it was released just a few months ago, and today we’re honored to announce that Grammy award-winning artist Macklemore and […]
[SPECIAL REPORT: Education “reformers” are using the disaster in Puerto Rico to close hundreds of public schools and convert much of the school system to charters. But teachers, parents, and […]
By the editors of Rethinking Schools Just a week after 14 students and three staff members were murdered at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, in February, President […]