Editorial: Teaching as Defiance
Originally published in Rethinking Schools VOLUME 29, ISSUE 4 — SUMMER 2015.Recently, we posted an article at the Rethinking Schools Facebook page that listed reasons why parents should opt their children […]
Originally published in Rethinking Schools VOLUME 29, ISSUE 4 — SUMMER 2015.Recently, we posted an article at the Rethinking Schools Facebook page that listed reasons why parents should opt their children […]
June 26, Rethinking Schools editor Wayne Au spoke at a Seattle rally protesting the role of the Gates Foundation in public education: “Educating the Gates Foundation.” The rally was sponsored […]
by Jody Sokolower, managing editor and lead editor for Rethinking Sexism, Gender, and Sexuality The cover theme of our spring issue of Rethinking Schools is “Queering Our Schools,” and the thought-provoking and […]
by David Morris Editor’s note: This news has been making the rounds in education activist circles, and we wanted to further amplify this important message. Turns out corporate style reform isn’t […]
We’re pleased to announce that the summer issue of Rethinking Schools magazine features a special forum with three perspectives on edTPA, the high-stakes test for new teachers that is being […]
As you are no doubt aware, increasingly powerful corporate interests are attempting to reduce teaching and learning to what’s on a standardized test. We have all seen these tests be used […]
Bob Peterson, a Rethinking Schools founding editor and president of the Milwaukee Teachers’ Education Association, reflects on the Atlanta testing scandal and the lessons we might learn from it. This […]
In a public statement released today, more than sixty educators and researchers [UPDATE: now 130+], including some of the most well-respected figures in the field of education, pledged support for […]
Last week, we sent the following message to the folks who have signed up for our e-news, and we didn’t want you to miss out on this special deal. If […]
Many of you are familiar with the work of Tucson teacher Curtis Acosta. Acosta is the warm and eloquent—and photogenic!—language arts teacher featured in the film, Precious Knowledge, about Tucson’s […]
by Stan Karp Maybe we’re finally reaching the tipping point. After more than a decade of accelerating damage fueled by NCLB, the standardized testing regime that is the engine of […]
by Terry Burant Recently, a friend told me that a former high school student of mine named his car “Terry” after me. When she asked him why, he explained, “She’s […]
by Stan Karp The Obama Administration’s approval last week of 10 state applications for waivers from NCLB was another missed opportunity to learn from a decade of policy failure. Instead […]
by Stan Karp Anniversaries are often cause for celebration… but the 10th anniversary of No Child Left Behind is mostly a time for damage assessment. A new report from FairTest […]