Teaching Math Across the Curriculum
“Number numbness” among students has its roots in a curriculum that rarely encourage students to link math and history
School Reform and the Role of the Community
A longtime Milwaukee activist discusses the role of parents and the Latino community in school reform.
Safeguarding Students’ Rights — For All
Educational regulations will be slashed and gutted if a committee of the Wisconsin legislature has its way.
Rifts Grow in Voucher Movement
WIsconsin Case Lands in the Courts but Controversy Escalates
Tension is mounting as Wisconsin’s voucher program for religious schools goes to court and the leading Black legislator associated with the program criticizes the business community’s goal of an unrestricted voucher program.
Nurturing One’s Dreams
A Review of Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of Hope Pedagogy of Hope is a reflective meditation on the personal, educational, and political journey of a leading educational thinker and activist. It is a useful and accessible companion to Freire’s 1968 Pedagogy of the Oppressed.
On the Road to Cultural Bias
A Critique of The Oregon Trail CD-ROM Oregon Trail II is sexist, racist, culturally insensitive, and contemptuous of the earth. And teachers can use it to begin to foster critical computer literacy.
Why One Can’t Ignore Pocahontas
A Review of the Disney Movie Pocahontas Historical inaccuracy and racist stereotypes may entertain some children — but at whose expense?
Prison Spending Escalates
School budgets take back seat to corrections
Across the country, providing money for schools takes a back seat to spending for corrections.
From School Reform to Reform School
Joe Clark: The Sequel
Joe Clark, the principal whose law-and-order brand of school reform was glorified in the movie Lean on Me, has a new job. He’s running a prison.
Dangerous Minds: Decoding a Classroom
A Review of the Movie Dangerous Minds. A high school literature teacher peers into a movie classroom to see what the teacher, played by Michelle Pfeiffer, is up to.
“Asian American” vs. “Oriental
The term “oriental” still carries connotations of exoticism and mysticism that Asian Americans find offensive.
Asian-American Bibliography
A rich assortment of resources covering historical views, the myth of the “model minority,” bilingual education, and higher education as they relate to the needs and concerns of Asian-American students.

Volume 10, No.1
Fall 1995
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