Giving Education the Business
Billy Tashman teaches science in an East Harlem junior high school. As he wrote in an article for New York Newsday, “Where I teach science, we have no microscopes, scales […]
Roadblocks to Reform: The Year In Review
Disappointment. Frustration. Some glimmers of hope. Another school year has passed and despite sincere efforts by many people little visible evidence exists that much substantive school reform is actually taking […]
Whose America is This Anyway?
The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help us, Mr. Sobol
In the early ‘60s a debate shook the shingles in my little Midwestern town: should the public school teach us about Russia? Most adults were afraid that, among other things, […]
Ninja Turtles: Commercial Hype on the Half Shell
Rethinking Schools Movie Review
“The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are teaching us how to fight and do bad things,” wrote seven year old Katie Castañeda when I asked what the Turtles were teaching children. […]
Curriculum With a Conscience – Part II
NYC (New Youth Connections) A monthly newspaper written by high school students in New York. The articles tend to be thoughtful, their views and approaches varied. Student readers hear the […]
Poetry: Reinventing the Past, Rehearsing the Future
Before I started writing this article, I asked students in my Contemporary Literature and Society class why teachers should teach poetry. The quotes used throughout the article are a result […]
Remedies for Racism in Our Schools
Imperatives for America's Schools
Every time we are almost convinced that the nation is rising above the muck of racism, there come reminders of how little headway we have made—even at eliminating the most […]

Volume 4, No.4
Summer 1990
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