Black Over-representation in Special Education Not Confined to Segregation States
Many suspect the over-representation of African Americans in special education really began to grow after the U.S. Supreme Court ordered public schools to be desegregated in 1954. Five of the […]
Resources 17.3
Resources for teaching about war
Check out these valuable resources, reviewed by Rethinking Schools editors and Teaching for Change colleagues.
Resources for Sexism Unit
BOOKS Feminism Is for Everybody: Passionate Politics, by bell hooks (South End Press, 2000). This book contains accessible theoretical essays. The introductory essay provides a great overview of feminism and sexism. […]
Ed Web 17.3
IRAQJOURNAL.ORG This may turn out to be the web’s “first war.” During the Gulf War in 1991, it was 24-hour cable news coverage, especially from CNN, that became a factor […]
Good Stuff 17.3
VOYAGING ACROSS CULTURES Caravan to America: Living Arts of the Silk Road, Major, John S. and Belanus, Betty J. (forward by Yo-Yo Ma). (Chicago: Cricket Books/A Marcato Book, 2002). Math […]
Keeping Public Schools Public
Privatizers' Trojan Horse - Bush's NCLB law funnels money to for-profits, churches, voucher supporters.
Have I got a deal for you! Worried about these tough economic times? There’s more than a billion dollars of Uncle Sam’s money to be made tutoring poor kids. No […]
Letters 17.3
Helen Keller I was quite interested to see your article “The Truth about Helen Keller,” by Ruth Shagoury Hubbard [Fall 2002 issue]. It is true that many books for children […]
Fund the Schools, Not the War
Children in both Iraq and the United States would be better served by promoting peace, not funding war. Most students and educators in the United States don’t know that the […]
A Ghetto Within a Ghetto
African-American Students are Over-Represented in Special Education Programs
African-American students are over-represented in special ed.
Seventh Graders and Sexism
A New Teacher Helps her Students Analyze Gender Stereotypes in the Media
A new teacher puts theory into action in her Chicago classroom.
Colorado Upholds the Right to Bilingual Education
A community group reflects on the successful struggle against Unz.
Proposed Budget Cuts Trigger Student Walkouts
A Portland High School Student Responds to the State's Brutal Cuts
A Portland high school student responds to the state’s brutal cuts.
Focus on Affirmative Action
The Great Demancipator
Two op-eds expose Bush’s hypocrisy on affirmative action.
E.S.E.A. Watch 17.3
Equity Claims for NCLB Don't Pass the Test
Equity claims for NCLB don’t pass the test.

Volume 17, No.3
Spring 2003
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