Wars Then and Now

Zinn spoke with managing editor Fred McKissack about what teachers can do to discuss America’s conflicts

Wellness Policy Mandate

The Local School Wellness Policy, part of the Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004, requires each school district participating in the National School Lunch Program and/or School Breakfast […]

Student Voices 20.1

On Friday, June 10, 2005, I entered the cafeteria in Fredrick H. Tuttle Middle School in South Burlington, Vt., only to be greeted by a strange sight. A large screen […]

Discussion and Writing Questions

What reaction do you have to the conditions that workers faced at Grady Hospital? What were the health and safety issues for the laundry workers? Why did the laundry workers […]

What the American Flag Stands For

By Charlotte Aldebron The American flag stands for the fact that cloth can be very important. It is against the law to let the flag touch the ground or to […]

Student Page

Forgiving My Father I’d like to forgive you Father,but I don’t know your heart.Your face,is it a mirror image of mine? I’d like to forgive you Father,but I find your […]

Student Voices 18.3

A student remembers how an insensitive teacher humiliated a Native-American classmate.

Supersize Me

Supersize Me. Heart Sharp Video. 96 minutes. Directed by Morgan Spurlock. DVD or VHS. That there are more than 30,000 McDonald’s restaurants worldwide came as no surprise to me. That there […]

Sample of Proposed Standards

Kindergarten:Introduction to Social StudiesStrand: Famous AmericansStandard: The student will recognize people who contributed to U.S. history.Benchmark: Students will know people associated with national holidays and figures from various cultural back-grounds, including, but […]

The Scoop on School Lunch

The federal school lunch program is the oldest and largest of child nutrition programs and began in 1946 with the dual purpose of helping feed the nation’s children and boosting […]

Questioning Scripted Curricula

Katherine Dorr, in her third year of teaching first graders in one of LA’s poorest schools, likens Center X to a tiny voice in a corner of her brain that […]


Immigrant Students Demand the Right to Attend College

Shorts 17.1

Latino high school students in Milwaukee are part of a national campaign to make college accessible to undocumented immigrant students. This October, young people from several Milwaukee schools, churches, and […]

Left Behind?

Many Children Left Behind: How the No Child Left Behind Act Is Damaging Our Children and Our Schools, Deborah Meier and George Wood eds. (Beacon Press, 2004). 152 pp. $13. […]

Picture Perfect

Picture Perfect. PicturePerfect Productions. Video. 40 minutes. Produced and directed by Carol Tizzano. 216-297-0622. ctano1311@sbcglobal.net While I hate to admit this in Rethinking Schools, I subscribe to Glamour. I watch my weight. I […]

Poverty in Mexico and Oaxaca Fuels Conflict

About 30 million Mexicans survive on less than 30 pesos a day — not quite $3. The minimum wage is 45 pesos. The federal government estimates that 37.7 percent of […]

Title IX Protects Pregnant Students

Prior to the enactment of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, teenage girls who got pregnant were excluded from most public schools. The prevailing notion at the time: […]