New York Post Attacks Rethinking Schools

Dear Rethinking Schools friends, Have you seen the recent attacks on Rethinking Schools? Over the past couple of weeks, the New York Post published two pieces attacking social justice teaching […]

The Green New Deal and Our Schools

By the editors of Rethinking Schools As Mark Hertsgaard and Kyle Pope wrote recently in The Nation, “There is a runaway train racing toward us, and its name is climate change. […]

Students “Warrior Up” for Climate Justice

[This is the third installment of our new environmental justice column — Earth, Justice, and Our Classrooms — and celebrates the annual two-day “Climate Justice Fair” at Madison High School […]

Nurturing Student Activists in the Time of Trump

By the editors of Rethinking Schools The 2018–19 school year has begun at a time of terrifying climate disruption, seemingly endless war, spectacular inequality, xenophobic and fascist revival, police brutality […]

Bill Ayers on Arne Duncan’s How Schools Work

By Bill Ayers If you pick up Arne Duncan’s How Schools Work hoping to learn something about, well, unsurprisingly I suppose, about “how schools work,” you’ll be sorely disappointed. There’s […]