Whose Standard?
Teaching standard English in our schools
When I was in the ninth grade, Mrs. Delaney, my English teacher wanted to demonstrate the correct and incorrect ways to pronounce the English language. She asked Helen Draper, whose […]
Early Tests Challenged
Legislation to ban K-2 testing receives first hearing
In the children’s book, First Grade Takes A Test by Maria Coleman, six year olds are given a standardized test with devastating results. While one student excels and is tracked […]
Cultural Styles in a Pluralist Society
I have been an educator for more than 30 years. During most of that time I have been a teacher educator. I have had the opportunity to observe thousands of […]
How Much Do You Know?
The National School Reform Test
Each year the people who run our nation’s public schools give students well over 100 million standardized tests. More high school students who want diplomas and more little kids who […]
Expectations and “At-Risk” Children
My principal and I have a fine working relationship. He has come to understand that I do not “do” Halloween (even as a child I never liked the holiday), and […]
Volume 4, No.2
Winter 1989/1990
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