Volume 24, No.1
Fall 2009
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Another Path is Possible: Two Chicago Principals Keep an Eye on What Matters
Two neighborhood schools find their way, thriving on collaboration and commitment to a shared vision. By the author of Holler If You Hear Me: The Education of a Teacher and His Students.
Big City Superintendents: Dictatorship or Democracy? Lessons from Paulo Freire
Did you know Paulo Freire was once superintendent of schools in Ṣo Paulo, Brazil? Rethinking Schools editor and 5th grade teacher Bob Peterson describes how the world-famous author of Pedagogy of the Oppressed put his theories into practice in a poverty-stricken urban school district.
Where Is Our Community Organizer-in-Chief?
There is a disturbing overlap between Obama’s educational policies and those of George W. Bush. The nations schools don’t need an entrepreneur-in-chief; we need national leadership that supports critical thinking, educating the whole child, and democratic participation from the ground up.
Trolling For Stories: Lessons from Our Lives
Editor’s note: This article is a chapter in Linda Christensen’s new Rethinking Schools book, Teaching for Joy and Justice: Re-imagining the Language Arts Classroom. If you are inspired by this article to troll for stories, the book includes student examples and additional materials.
Exile Has Its Place: A High School Principal Reflects on School Discipline
…you can’t betray a country you don’t have -James Baldwin Exile has its place. As an age-old human response to conflict, its potential value to the healthy maturation of students […]
Stenciling Dissent: A Student Project Draws on the Language of the Street
Political graffiti engages students in the history of protest for social justice.
The Debate Over Differentiated Pay: The Devil is in the Details
These days everyone has an opinion about how teachers should get paid. Investigative reporter Barbara Miner goes beyond the rhetoric to explore trends and conflicting perspectives on alternative pay structures.
When the Gender Boxes Don’t Fit
The first day of high school is hard enough. Walking down the halls, trying to find my next class, surrounded by a sea of people who looked hundreds of years older, I felt like I had a red blinking sign over my head that flashed freshman every five seconds.
As a Mom and a Teacher
How can we support children who don’t feel comfortable identifying with the gender assigned to them at birth? I enter the discussion from two perspectives: first, as one of Ericka’s […]
Rethinking Thanksgiving: Myths and Misgivings
Elementary school celebrations play an enormous role in perpetuating the myth of the first Thanksgiving.” Just in time for this year’s holiday.
Short Stuff 24.1
Texas Conservatives Push Social Studies to the Right The Texas State Board of Education, dominated by Republicans and advised by conservative “experts,” is in the process of revising the curriculum […]
Good Stuff: Wounding and Healing
Wounding and Healing
Resources 24.1
Check out these valuable resources, reviewed by Rethinking Schools editors and Teaching for Change colleagues.