Volume 15, No.1

Fall 2000

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  • About the Special Report

    Perspective The introductory article for our special report on multiculturalism.

  • Down But Not Out

    White enthusiasm for multicultural, anti-racist education has waned, proponents faith in the movement's ability to endure and grow.

    By Priscilla Pardini

    While enthusiasm for multiculturalism has waned, proponents have faith in the movement’s ability to endure.

  • Milwaukee: Will Top-Down or Community-Based Reform Prevail?

    By Barbara Miner

    Tides of change are sweeping through MPS — including a threatened state takeover — but will state politicians or the local community direct future reform efforts?

  • Milwaukee: Who Won and Why

    The school board elections garnered national attention as a vote on vouchers. But in the end, the results had more to do with issues of race and power, and poor campaign decisions.

    By Bob Peterson

    The city’s school board election was portrayed nationally as a vote on vouchers. But the race was really about race and power, and how bad decisions can doom a campaign.

  • Embracing Cross-Racial Dialogue

    By Beverly Tatum

    “Some people say there is too much talk about race and racism in the United States

  • At Best, Silly, At Worst, Racist

    The Massachusetts 10th-grade world history test is a Eurocentric exercise in travel pursuit.

    By Derrick Z. Jackson

    The Massachusetts 10th-grade world history test is a Eurocentric exercise in trivial pursuit.

  • Pencils Out!

    Here's a chance to see what's on the 10th-grade history and social sciences test in Massachusetts.

    By Derrick Z. Jackson

    What’s on the 10th-grade test in Massachusetts?

  • Origins of Multiculturalism

    By Christine Sleeter and Peter McLaren

    Too many white educators think multiculturalism ends with ethnic food festivals. Here’s why multiculturalism needs to be placed in the context of the Civil Rights struggle for freedom, political power, and economic integration.

  • Rethinking Schools

    Editorial It’s been 15 years since a group of activist teachers started Rethinking Schools, using only a temperamental Apple IIe and a kitchen table that stood in for a layout board. Some thoughts on how we’ve evolved since that humble beginning, and how we’ve stayed the same.

  • Creating A Vision of Possibility

    How student writing can nurture reflection and hope.

    By Linda Christensen

    An excerpt from her new book, Reading, Writing, and Rising Up: Teaching About Social Justice and the Power of the Written Word.

  • Saxophone

    By Dyan Watson

    Student writing from Reading, Writing, and Rising Up.

  • Forward to the Past?

    Issues of segregation, insufficient funding, and hurried decision-making envelop Milwaukee's proposal to return to neighborhood schools.

    By Bob Peterson and Larry Miller

    Issues of segregation, insufficient funding, and hurried decision-making envelop Milwaukee’s return to neighborhood schools

  • Controversial Testing Plan Goes to Milwaukee School Board

    By Stephanie Walters

    Controversy swirls around plan to increase standardized testing.

  • Value Added, Value Lost?

    Value-added testing is enjoying increased popularity. But will this new approach help children learn better?

    By Gerald W. Bracey

    Value-added testing is enjoying growing popularity. Will it help children learn better?

  • Tax Dollars at Work

    Georgia officers travel to Vermont to grill anti-testing advocate.

    By Robert McGuire

    Georgia officers travel to Vermont to grill anti-testing advocate.

  • Unsung Heroes

    Why aren't people such as Daniel Shays, John Ross, or Fannie Lou Hamer held up as role models?

    By Howard Zinn

    Why aren’t people such as Daniel Shays or Fannie Lou Hamer held up as role models?

  • Teaching Unsung Heroes

    How might a teacher encourage students to appreciate those who fought for social justice?

    By Bill Bigelow

    A list of first-person roles that students can play, as described in Bill Bigelow’s article .

  • Racial/Gender Justice Project

    By Bill Bigelow

    A list of first-person roles that students can play, as described in Bill Bigelow’s article .