Crossing Boundaries of Difference
Enriching Classrooms Via the Internet
A review of “Brave New Schools: Challenging Cultural Illiteracy Through Global Learning Networks”
Is Whole Language Doomed
Right Wing Attacks Yet Another Reform
Six years after whole language was implemented statewide in California, plunging test scores resulted in a new back-to-basics curriculum — so the story goes. But what really happened in California?
Wisconsin Welcomes the Wild West
New legislation prohibits local governments from enacting gun control ordinances that are stronger than state regulations.
Lessons of Chile’s Voucher Reform
Inequality Increased, Test Scores Did Not Improve
A professor of education and economics takes a good look at Chile’s voucher program. This well-developed, long-standing program makes it clear that voucher plans increase inequality without making schools any better
Telling the Truth of the Middle Passage
An Interview with Tom Feelings
Tom Feelings discusses his book The Middle Passage” — a book of narrative paintings that portray the nightmarish journey of enslaved Africans from their homes to the Americas.”
An International Proverbs Project
Using Telecommunications to Investigate Folklore
Spanish-English bilingual students use computer networks to explore together the proverbs and folklore of their cultures.
Whites Get a Pass on Race Issues
The media free white people of responsibility for working to cross the racial divide. No pollster ever asked, “Is David Duke a good role model for white youth?”
Dumb Kids, Smart Kids, and Social Class
Memories of sixth grade are reflected in today's realities
A teacher recalls his own experience of sixth grade along with the ways schools reinforce and legitimate social inequities.
We Had Set Ourselves Free
Lessons on the Civil Rights Movement
The experience of those whose everyday lives intersected with the Civil Rights Movement is a rich source for teaching about that era.
Conservatives Attack NEA over Gay Issues
The right-wing group Concerned Women of America claims the NEA is forcing a pro-homosexual program on children.

Volume 10, No.2
Winter 1995/1996
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