Wisconsin Debates Religious Vouchers
Controversy Ignites ‘Battle of the Century’
Republican Gov. Tommy Thompson has launched a set of initiatives that, while cloaked in populist rhetoric of parental choice and property tax relief, would propel Wisconsin into the national forefront […]
Parents and School Choice: Beyond the Rhetoric
Flying the banner of parents’ rights, advocates of school vouchers have launched an assault on the very concept of public education. The rhetoric of parental choice is seductive and, in […]
Lessons of the Vietnam War
Teaching the Forgotten 50th Anniversary
There is a startling encounter in the Vietnam war documentary, Heartsand Minds, between producer Peter Davis and Walt Rostow, former adviser to President Johnson. Davis asks Rostow why the United […]
Which Way for Chapter 220?
Desegregation Effort’s Fate in Legislature’s Hands
The roughly 6,400 children taking part in the metropolitan Milwaukee desegregation effort known as Chapter 220 are understandably worried. The fate of Chapter 220 is unclear, embroiled in the two […]
Why Not Teach About Harriet Tubman?
Conservatives Attack History Standards
Rarely has the study and teaching of American history been the subject of such intense public scrutiny as it is today. In the past few months, the flying of the […]
Making School Safe for Sissies
I knew I was queer when I was a small child. My voice was gentle and sweet. I avoided sports and all roughness. I played with the girls. I did […]
Basketball and Portfolios
A Classroom Look at Authentic Assessment
It was 5:30 on finals day. Most students left the building at noon, giving teachers a chance to work on their grades before the weekend or prepare for the new […]
Lies Our Textbooks Tell Us
LIES MY TEACHER TOLD ME: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong. By James W. Loewen. The New Press, 372 pp. $24.95. The U.S. history textbooks used in schools today […]

Volume 9, No.3
Spring 1995
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