What Will Be The Future of Teacher Unionism?
A review of United Mind Workers: Unions and Teaching in the Knowledge Society, by Charles Taylor Kerchner, Julia E. Koppich and Joseph G. Weeres. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1997.
A review of United Mind Workers: Unions and Teaching in the Knowledge Society by Charles Taylor Kerchner, Julia E. Koppich, and Joseph G. Weeres, and thoughts about the evolving role of teacher unions.
Editorial A look at the potential opportunities — and the dangers — as the nation’s two national teacher unions consider merging.
Internet Filtering
This second installment in a Rethinking Schools series on censorship looks at the fallacies and misconceptions about so-called “Internet Filters” which claim to protect children from online smut. Not only do they let pornography in
Resources on Censorship and the Internet
Addresses, phone numbers and — of course — Internet addresses for more information.
Teachers As Learners
Two teachers describe how evaluations by their fellow teachers gave them a valuable new perspective on their teaching practice.
The Hows and Whys of Peer Mentoring
Practical nuts-and-bolts information on how the authors structured and maintained a peer mentoring program in their school.
The Standards Movement
Excerpts from remarks on the standards movement by the noted Georgia State University professor.
What the Tour Guide Didn’t Tell Me
A classroom teacher explains his unit on Tourism
The Price of Paradise
A closer look at The Price of Paradise, a resource guide on the resistance movement in Hawai’i
Resources on Hawai’i
Where to get more information.
Teacher Alert!
Phonics Fads Sweep Nation’s Schools
A Reader Opinion raps the phonics fad sweeping the country — sometimes by state mandate.
Exploding the Western Canon
San Francisco Adopts Diversity Requirement
San Francisco diversifies its English requirements — and the media distort the issue.
Federal Law Mandates ‘Abstinence-Only’ Sex Ed
Fundamentalists Pushed Stealth Legislation
A look at how religious fundamentalists successfully pushed stealth legislation aimed at gutting sex-education curricula.
Vows of Abstinence Break More Easily Than Latex Condoms
An Interview with Jocelyn Elders
Outspoken former U.S. Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders on the fallacies of the abstinence-only approach to sex ed and the critical need for comprehensive sexuality education.
The History of Sexuality Education
A thumbnail history of this controversial issue.
A Look At the ‘Sex Respect’ Curriculum
A critical look at the misinformation and biases that permeate the most popular abstinence-only sex education curriculum.
Resources on Sexuality Education
Where to turn for real help with questions about teaching and sexuality.
The Bell Curve: Stealth Book of the 1990s?
Notorious author Charles Murray wonders aloud whether his controversial book helped demolish affirmative action.
Where’s the R-Word? Speaking Out on Textbook Silences
Why is the word “racism” missing from so many elementary-school history textbooks? Can you really teach US history without it?”
Always Consider Yourself a Student
An interview with classroom teacher Bisse Bowman
A 35-year teaching veteran, who insists that social-justice issues should be introduced in early elementary-school classes, describes her curriculum and her commitment to progressive teaching.

Volume 12, No.4
Summer 1998
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