Splits on the Right
Special Report: What Do They Mean For Education?
Conservatives Unite to Push Parental Rights Legislation – Listing of
School to Work: Problems and Potentials
Two years into Milwaukee’s School to Work program, observers wonder if it will stay true to its goal of putting student learning ahead of business interests.
Money Matters 10.3
It is time demand adequate and equal resources for educating our children.
Stop the “English-Only” Nonsense
English-only legislation is part of a broader upsurge in anti-immigrant attitudes.
School Facilities at Crisis Level
Reflections from An Old School House
Substandard school facilities across the country affect millions of children. A 1995 report estimates $112 billion is needed to bring those schools up to minimal standards.
MPS Pays for Facilities with Money Intended for Children
Three years after the defeat of a $366 million school facilities referendum, MPS is struggling to creatively finance building maintenance.
English-Only Proposals Gain Strength
English-only legislation is not new, but its resurgence is clearly connected to the growth of the conservative movement.
Thompson Undercuts Finance Equity
Wisconsin’s new property tax relief plan created a new formula for school funding – one that will increase inequities between affluent and poorer school districts.
Why Is School Finance Equity Such an Elusive Goal?
There are two stories to tell of school finance reform and the decades-old struggle to achieve funding equity. The bleak one is probably closer to the truth.
The Courage of Our Contradictions
Progressive educators work with charter schools
While charters have been championed by conservatives, charter schools may provide progressive educators with the opportunity to create innovative, high-quality public education.
One Charter School’s Story
Jingletown Parents, Teachers Organize
The teachers and working-class Latino parents at Jingletown, a charter junior high school, organize and negotiate.
Milwaukee Voucher Schools Close
Mid-year closings leave students stranded, public concerned.
Madison Students Protest Sale of Pizza Hut at School
In an act of international solidarity, students protested the sale of Pizza Hut pizza in their school cafeteria.
Creating Fiction and Mapping Morality
The stories in A Call to Character, ed. by Colin Greer and Herbert Kohl, are a progressive answer to William Bennett’s Book of Virtues and a wonderful source of teaching ideas.

Volume 10, No.3
Spring 1996
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