Resources on the Unz Initiative
The National Association for Bilingual Education, 1220 L Street NW, Suite 605, Washington, D.C. 20005-4018. 202-898 1829; fax: 202-789-2866; E-mail: ; Internet: http://
NABE is the country’s leading organization on bilingual education. Its web site has comprehensive information on the Unz initiative, including the full text of the initiative, information on bilingual education research, and links to other sites.
The Mexican-American Legal Defense and Education Fund, 634 South Spring Street ,11th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90014. 213-629-2512; fax: 213-629-0266; Internet: http://
MALDEF is a national organization protecting the legal and civil rights of the country’s 29 million Latino residents.
Citizens for an Educated America: No on Unz, 1750 Ocean Park Boulevard, Suite 204, Santa Monica, CA 90405. 310-399-1221; fax: 310-399-1536; E-mail: ; Internet:
A leading organization fighting the Unz initiative, No on Unz has a particularly well-designed and easy-to-use Web site.
A newly formed organization fighting the Unz initiative, SmartNation, can be contacted at:
Also, the site contains a number of links to pages on bilingual education and the Unz initiative.