Patterns of Errors Check List
I adapted this checklist from Mina Shaughnessy’s book Errors and Expectations. Using this list as a template, I look for patterns of errors under each category: Punctuation, grammar, spelling, and syntax. I typically add categories for essay and narrative writing later in the year.
- Capitalization
- End punctuation
- Commas
- series
- participles
- adverbial clauses
- adjective clauses
- Dialogue quotation
- Academic quotation
- Subject/verb agreement
- Basic verb tense (consistency)
- Irregular verbs
- Special usage (case with pronouns, agreement in unusual contexts)
- Basic spelling patterns (doubled consonants, silent e, i before e, etc)
- Key standard/nonstandard variations
- Demons
- Sentence completeness
- Basic word order (including direct and indirect questions)
- Basic modification (phrases, words, clauses)
- Advanced sentences (parallel structures, periodic structures, variety)