Resources for Teaching About Love
It’s Valentine’s Day–a day filled with joy and surprises, but also angst and disappointments–and sometimes all of the above! Let’s help children climb out of the emotionally wrought Valentine’s Day […]
It’s Valentine’s Day–a day filled with joy and surprises, but also angst and disappointments–and sometimes all of the above! Let’s help children climb out of the emotionally wrought Valentine’s Day […]
On Friday, Rethinking Schools editor Stan Karp delivered a speech “The Trouble with Common Core” to Portland area parents, educators, administrators, elected officials, among others. (See our summer editorial with […]
As you are no doubt aware, increasingly powerful corporate interests are attempting to reduce teaching and learning to what’s on a standardized test. We have all seen these tests be used […]
By Ann Berlak For the first time since I can remember some members of the American Educational Research Association (AERA)—the largest association of educators and educational researchers in the world—are […]
A recent Education Week article reported that between 2009 and 2011, 3,700 public schools in the US were closed. Reuters reported that school closings in 2010-11 were up 60% from ten years earlier. The […]
by Stan Karp The Obama Administration’s approval last week of 10 state applications for waivers from NCLB was another missed opportunity to learn from a decade of policy failure. Instead […]