Social Studies
Name _____________________ Date ________________
What role did you play in the Constitution role play?
Give yourself a score from 1 – 4 (1=poor. 2= OK, 3= good, 4= excellent)
Preparation O 1 O 2 O 3 O 4
What was good about how you prepared?
How could you prepare better next time?
Participation in the role play O 1 O 2 O 3 O 4
What was good about your participation?
How could you participate better next time?
In your own opinion how should real makers of the Constitution handled the question of slavery? Why?
In your own opinion how should real makers of the Constitution handled the question of voting rights? Why?
What did you learn from the role play?
What did you like best about the role play?
How could the role play be improved?