This file is being posted on the Rethinking Schools Web site ( to accompany “A New U.S. Bill of Rights,” by Larry Miller, which appears on p. 70 of Rethinking Our Classrooms, Volume 2.
Articles (Right to):
- Equality
- Freedom from Discrimination
- Life, Liberty, Personal Security
- Freedom from Slavery
- Freedom from Torture and Degradation
- Recognition as a Person before the Law
- Equality before the Law
- Fair Pre-Trial Hearing
- Freedom form Arbitrary Arrest and Exile
- Fair Trial
- Considered Innocent Until Proven Guilty
- Freedom From Interference with Privacy, Family, Home and Correspondence
- To Free Movement in and out of the Country
- To Asylum in other Countries form Persecution
- To a Nationality and the Freedom to Change it
- To Marriage and Family
- To Own Property
- Freedom of Belief and Religion
- Freedom of Opinion and Information
- Peaceful Assembly and Association
- To Participate in Government and in Free Elections
- To Social Security
- To Desirable Work and to Join Trade Unions
- To rest and Leisure
- To Adequate Living Standard
- To education
- To participate in the Cultural Life of Community
- To a Social Order that Articulates this Document
- Community Duties Essential to Free and Full Development
- Freedom from State and Personal Interference in the above Rights