Note that in addition to those found below, other valuable websites may be listed with their journals in the category “Journals for Global Justice.” It is impossible to list all the organizations working for a more just world. Websites of the organizations listed below include hundreds of links to other worthy groups. See “Defeating Despair,” p. 329, for lesson ideas to accompany this listing of organizations and websites.
Adbusters Media Foundation
1243 West 7th Ave., Vancouver, BC, V6H 1B7, Canada; tel.: 604-736-9401; fax: 604-737-6021; e-mail:
Adbusters describes itself as “a global network of artists, activists, writers, pranksters, students, educators and entrepreneurs who want to advance the new social activist movement of the information age.” Adbusters publishes a glossy, provocative magazine of the same name, sponsors Buy Nothing Day and TV Turnoff Week, produces clever “uncommercials” and seeks to agitate so that folks “get mad about corporate disinformation, injustices in the global economy, and any industry that pollutes our physical or mental commons.”
815 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20006; tel: 202-637-5000; fax: 202-637-5058.
The AFL-CIO is the largest labor organization in the United States. Its website includes abundant information on organizing campaigns, links to member unions, news articles on union drives, updates on student activism, and sections on union culture and history.
American Friends Service Committee
1501 Cherry St., Philadelphia, PA 19102; tel: 215-241-7132; fax: 215-241-7275;
This venerable social justice organization has a Mexico-U.S. Border Program and publishes an assortment of resources. AFSC also has a Youth and Militarism project that organizes against JROTC and military presence in public schools. The Cambridge, Massachusetts AFSC publishes Peacework, a monthly journal serving movements for nonviolent social change. AFSC also maintains a film and video library.
Amnesty International USA
322 8th Ave., New York, NY 10001; tel: 212-807-8400.
AI seeks to promote the human rights included in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, focusing especially on prisoners of conscience, ending the death penalty, and combating torture. Amnesty’s website includes the complete text of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as well as numerous links to human rights groups around the world, articles, video clips, reports, and action opportunities.
Campaign for Labor Rights
1247 E Street SE, Washington, DC 20003.
Although not the simplest web address to remember, CLR offers an invaluable e-mail listserv of alerts on sweatshop and solidarity issues. Their website includes past updates, links, resources, leaflets, and the like. The site also features a document library on the Nike campaign, Disney in Haiti, Guess jeans, child labor issues, Mexico, Central America, farm worker issues, as well as youth and campus activism. CLR publishes a useful newsletter ($35 a year) filled with audio-visual resources, fact sheets and updates on campaigns to support worker organizing around the world.
Catholic Worker Movement
36 E. 1st St., New York, NY 10003; tel: 212-777-9617.
The Catholic Worker Movement is “grounded in a firm belief in the God-given dignity of every human person.” Since its founding in 1933 they have protested war, violence and injustice in all forms. Its journal is The Catholic Worker.
The Center for Commercial-Free Public Education (Unplug)
1714 Franklin St., #100-306, Oakland, CA 94612; tel.: 510-268-1100 or 800-867-5841; fax: 510-268-1277; e-mail:
The Center is the main national organization opposing the increasing commercialization of public schools. It helps communities organize against Channel One, cola contracts and other infiltration of public space by private interests. The Center publishes the newsletter, Not for Sale! and has information about their various campaigns available on their website.
Clean Clothes Campaign
P.O. Box 11584, 1001 GN Amsterdam, The Netherlands; tel.: 31-20-4122785; fax: 31-20-4122786; e-mail:
A coalition of European groups aiming to improve working conditions in the global garment industry. Conducts campaigns and provides information on companies such as Adidas, Benneton, C & A, Disney, Phillips-Van Heusen, Gap, H & M, Levi-Strauss, Nike, and Otto.
Coalition for Justice in the Maquiladoras
530 Bandera, San Antonio, TX 78228; tel.: 210-732-8957; e-mail:
A tri-national coalition of religious, environmental, labor, Latino and women’s organizations working to pressure U.S.-based transnational corporations to adopt socially responsible practices. Publishes a newsletter and various reports.
Co-op America
1612 K Street NW, Suite 600, Washington, DC 20006; tel.: 800-58-GREEN; 202-872-5307; fax: 202-331-8166.
Valuable information on sweatshops, consumer boycotts, and strategies to use “consumer and investor power for social change.” Co-op America is a national nonprofit organization that helps individuals find businesses that are environmentally responsible and engage in fair trade, and offers technical assistance to companies aiming for social and environmental responsibility.
The Council of Canadians
502-151 Slater St., Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 5H3, Canada; tel.: 613-233-2773 or 800-387-7177; fax: 613-233-6776.
This independent organization provides analyses on key issues from a critical and progressive standpoint. Its director, Maude Barlow, is perhaps the leading critic of schemes to privatize the world’s freshwater supplies.
P.O. Box 29344; San Francisco, CA 94129. tel: 415-561-6568; fax: 415-561-6493; e-mail:
Indispensable resources and news about globalization and justice struggles around the world. An online issue library includes topics such as biotechnology, Globalization 101, grassroots globalization, sweatshops, the WTO and the IMF/World Bank. Very extensive links. A similarly valuable but unrelated site is Corporate Watch, in Great Britain, (; 16b Cherwell St. Oxford OX4 1BG, United Kingdom.
Cultural Survival
215 Prospect Street, Cambridge, MA 02139; tel.: 617-441-5400; fax: 617- 441-5417; e-mail:
Cultural Survival sponsors basic research on indigenous peoples, particularly examining the effects of “development.” The results of this research are published in its Cultural Survival Quarterly. The website includes an education archive with curriculum resources offered, including Rainforest Peoples and Places (grades 6-9), The Chiapas Maya (grades 6-12) and the Rights of Indigenous Nations.
The David Suzuki Foundation
Suite 219, 2211 West 4th Avenue, Vancouver, BC V6K 4S2 Canada; tel: 604-732-4228; fax: 604-732-0752; e-mail:
David Suzuki is one of the world’s leading geneticists and environmentalists. The foundation is especially active in the area of climate change, focusing on the “urgent need for practical strategies to reduce global warming caused by human activities.”
The Edmonds Institute
20319 92nd Avenue West, Edmonds, Washington 98020; tel: 425-775-5383; fax: 425-670-8410; e-mail:
The Edmonds Institute focuses on biosafety and enacting legally-binding international regulation of modern biotechnologies, as well as on intellectual property rights and just policies for the maintenance and protection of biodiversity, including policies that foster recognition and sustenance of agricultural biodiversity.
Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting
130 W. 25th Street, New York, NY 10001. tel.: 212-633-6700; fax: 212-727-7668; e-mail:
FAIR is a national media watch group that has offered well-documented criticism of media bias and censorship since 1986. FAIR publishes the excellent, classroom-friendly Extra!, an award-winning magazine of media criticism; and distributes regular updates, available via their listserv. FAIR also produces a weekly radio program, CounterSpin. A vital source to get students thinking critically about media coverage of world events.
50 Years Is Enough
1247 E Street SE, Washington, DC 20003.
A coalition of over 200 grassroots, faith-based, policy, women’s, social- and economic-justice, youth, solidarity, labor, and development organizations dedicated to the profound transformation of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. Its website features excellent, classroom-ready factsheets about globalization issues, especially about the consequences of the Third World debt crisis.
Focus on the Global South
Too often discussions of globalization are dominated by those of us in the North, however well-intended or well-informed we may be. Focus on the Global South’s website features wonderful, hard-to-find, indepth articles from the perspective of activists and scholars in the global South ÷ the so-called Third World. See their “publications” section.
Food First/Institute for Food and Development Policy
398 60th Street, Oakland, CA 94618. tel: 510-654-4400; fax: 510-654-4551; e-mail:
Food First describes itself as “a Îpeoples’ think tank and education-for-action center.” Over the 25-plus years that this pioneering organization has been around, it has published some of the most useful books on food and hunger issues. Through its publications and activism, it continues to offer leadership to the struggle for reforming the global food system from the bottom up. The catalog is online at their website.
Free The Children
1750 Steeles Avenue West, Suite 218, Concord, Ontario, Canada, L4K 2L7; tel: 905-760-9382; fax: 905-760-9157; e-mail:
Free The Children was started by Canadian young people after hearing the heroic story of Iqbal Masih, the Pakistani child who was sold into slavery and then escaped to fight against it. Its goals are to free children from poverty, exploitation and abuse; and to give children a voice, leadership training, and opportunities to take action on issues which affect them from a local to an international level.
Friends of the Earth
1025 Vermont Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20005; tel: 877-843-8687 or 202-783-7400; fax: 202-783-0444; e-mail:
Friends of the Earth is a national environmental organization dedicated to preserving the health and diversity of the planet. FOE distributes valuable publications ranging from books on global warming to the IMF’s effects on the environment.
Global Exchange
2017 Mission Street #303, San Francisco, California 94110; tel.: 415- 255-7296; fax 415- 255-7498; e-mail:
Founded in 1988, Global Exchange is an organization dedicated to promoting environmental, political, and social justice around the world. In the late Î90s, Global Exchange was perhaps the most important organization drawing attention to Nike’s sweatshop abuses. Their expansive website gives a flavor for the diversity of activities they have initiated, which include “people to people” projects, such as “reality tours” to Third World countries, managing “fair trade” stores, and publishing resources on global justice issues. Global Exchange is one of the key global justice organizations.
Greenpeace International
Keizersgracht 176, 1016 DW Amsterdam, The Netherlands; tel: 31-20-523-62-22; fax: 31-20-523-62-00.
Greenpeace USA
702 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20001; tel: 800-326-0959.
Greenpeace began in 1971 when activists went to “bear witness” to nuclear weapons testing planned for Amchitka island, off Alaska. Today Greenpeace is one of the leading organizations using nonviolent direct action to expose global environmental problems and to promote solutions that are essential to what the organization hopes will be a “green and peaceful future.” It sponsors campaigns on global warming, environmental toxics, destructive fishing, genetic engineering, nuclear power and weapons, and saving ancient forests. Both websites feature extensive background materials on these issues, action alerts, ways to get involved, and numerous links to other organizations.
The Independent Media Center
This is the CNN of the global social justice movement and a wonderful resource. The Center acts as a clearinghouse of information and provides up-to-theminute reports, photos, audio, and video footage of global social justice struggles through its website. Launched during the Seattle WTO protests of late 1999, Indymedia is a fascinating, colorful site. Updated regularly. Great graphics.
The Indigenous Peoples Council on Biocolonialism
P.O. Box 818, Wadsworth, Nevada 89424; tel: 775-835-6932; fax: 775-835-6934; e-mail:
The IPCB is organized to assist indigenous peoples in the protection of their genetic resources, indigenous knowledge, and cultural and human rights from the negative effects of biotechnology.
256 Hanover St., Boston, MA 02113; 617-742-4583.
A non-partisan national grassroots organization whose purpose is to stop life-threatening abuses by transnational corporations. Through the Tobacco Industry Campaign, INFACT is pressuring Philip Morris to stop addicting new young customers around the world, and to stop interfering in public policy on issues of tobacco and health. INFACT promotes a boycott of Philip Morris-owned Kraft foods and distributes the important video Making a Killing, exposing Philip Morris’s brand of tobacco imperialism around the world. Articles posted on their website, like “The Marlboro Man Goes Overseas,” could be used with students.
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy
2105 1st Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55404. tel: 612-870-0453; fax: 612-870-4846.
The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy promotes resilient family farms, rural communities and ecosystems around the world through research and education, and advocacy. Their website includes background readings, articles, and forums on vital issues of agriculture and trade.
Institute for Global Communications (IGC)
Presidio Building 1012, First Floor, Torney Avenue; Write: P.O. Box 29904, San Francisco, CA 94129-0904; tel.: 415-561-6100; fax: 415-561-6101.
“The mission of IGC is to advance the work of progressive organizations and individuals for peace, justice, economic opportunity, human rights, democracy and environmental sustainability through strategic use of online technologies.” IGC is an outstanding resource, with a fabulous search engine that is linked to social justice networks of all kinds.
Institute for Policy Studies
733 15th St. NW, Suite 1020, Washington DC, 20005. tel.: 202-234-9382; fax: 202-387-7915.
An important think tank on global issues from a social justice perspective. IPS has programs on Peace and Security, the Global Economy, and Paths for the 21st Century, supplemented by several projects that address specific issues.
International Education and Resource Network (iEARN)
475 Riverside Drive, Suite 540, New York, NY 10115. tel.: 212-870-2693; e-mail:
iEARN is a nonprofit organization made up of almost 4,000 schools in over 90 countries. It aims to empower teachers and young people (K-12) to work together online at low cost through a global telecommunications network.
International Rivers Network
1847 Berkeley Way, Berkeley, CA 94703. tel.: 510-848-1155; fax: 510-848-1008; e-mail:
IRN is an important network that works to support communities around the world struggling to protect rivers and watersheds. They see this work as part of a movement for “environmental integrity, social justice and human rights.” IRN’s website is a valuable source of information about global water struggles.
Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility
475 Riverside Drive, Rm. 566, New York, NY 10115; 212-870-2295.
A coalition of 275 Protestant, Roman Catholic and Jewish institutional investors that organizes corporate campaigns to press companies to be socially and environmentally responsible. Publishes the newsletter, The Corporate Examiner.
Interhemispheric Resource Center
P.O. Box 2178, Silver City, NM 88062-2178; tel.: 505-388-0208; fax: 505-388-0619
A research and policy institute that produces books, reports, and periodicals on U.S. foreign policy. Publishes annual Cross-Border Links Directories which lists and annotates fair-trade networks, labor, and environmental groups. Publishes the newsletter, Borderlines.
International Forum on Globalization
The Thoreau Center for Sustainability, 1009 General Kennedy Avenue #2, San Francisco, CA 94129 ; tel.: 415-561-7650, fax.: 415.561.7651; e-mail:
Begun as an alliance of over 60 scholars, activists and writers, the IFG has sponsored important conferences to evaluate the social and environmental impact of globalization. They have published numerous booklets. Their website features worthwhile resources on the World Trade Organization, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, among others.
International Labor Organization
4 Route des Morillons, CH- 1211 Geneva 22, Switzerland.
The ILO is the UN agency that promotes internationally recognized human and labor rights. The organization maintains a searchable website on labor issues of all kinds, such as child labor, and includes useful articles, links, and reports.
International Labor Rights Fund
733 15th St., NW #920, Washington, DC 20005; tel.: 202-347-4100; fax: 202-347-4885; e-mail:
The ILRF is a nonprofit organization that takes action on behalf of working people, and creates innovative programs and enforcement mechanisms to protect workers’ rights. Current campaigns include child labor, monitoring labor rights in China, sweatshops, forced labor in Burma, and examining IMF/World Bank practices. Provides detailed information on the effects of NAFTA.
The International Society for Ecology and Culture
Foxhole, Dartington, Devon TQ9 6EB, UK; tel: (01803) 868650; fax: (01803) 868651; e-mail:
ISEC promotes locally based alternatives to the global consumer culture. ISEC produced the extraordinarily useful video Ancient Futures, about the negative effects of the arrival of “development” in the Himalayan region of Ladakh.
Jobs With Justice
501 Third Street NW, Washington DC 20001-2797; tel.: 202-434-1106; fax: 202-434-1477; e-mail:
A national campaign, with local affiliates, to organize support for workers’ rights struggles. JwJ’s Student Labor Action Project is an initiative focused on supporting student activism around issues of workers’ rights as well as social and economic justice. Extensive information on current campaigns at their website.
Jubilee USA Network
222 E. Capitol Street, Washington DC 20003-1036. tel.: 202-783-3566; fax: 202-546-4468; e-mail:
Jubilee USA Network is a coalition of faith-based and activist organizations who denounce the debt owed by impoverished nations to the IMF and the World Bank as illegitimate and pledge to oppose the “debt domination” by wealthy nations. A fine source for action ideas, links and additional resources on the effects of the Third World debt crisis and resistance to it. Also valuable is Jubilee 2000 UK, on the web at Jubilee 2000 UK is the British affiliate of the international movement calling for cancellation of the unpayable debt of the world’s poorest countries under a fair and transparent process. Its website includes articles, links and ways for people to get involved in the global movement for economic justice.
Maquiladora Health & Safety Support Network
A volunteer network of occupational health and safety professionals providing information, technical assistance and on-site instruction regarding workplace hazards in the over 3,800 “maquiladora” (foreignowned export-oriented assembly plants) along the U.S.-Mexico border. Their website includes excellent resources and links on maquiladora health and safety issues.
Maquila Solidarity Network
606 Shaw Street, Toronto, Ontario M6G 3L6, Canada; tel: 416-532-8584; fax: 416-532-7688; e-mail:
The Maquila Solidarity Network is a Canadian network promoting solidarity with groups in Mexico, Central America, and Asia organizing in maquiladora factories and export processing zones to improve conditions and win a living wage. Their website includes hard-to-find resources on maquilas by country or company, and many articles on sweatshop issues. Valuable links to other Canadian and international organizations concerned with workers’ rights issues.
National Coalition of Education Activists (NCEA)
P.O. Box 679, Rhinebeck, NY 12572; tel.: 914-876-4580; e-mail:
A network of teacher, parent, and community activists who organize around social justice issues in schools and communities. Biannual conferences feature workshops on teaching strategies for social justice, among other issues. Publishes the newsletter Action for Better Schools.
National Labor Committee
275 Seventh Avenue, 15th Floor, New York, NY 10001; tel: 212-242-3002; fax: 212-242-3821; e-mail:
NLC’s goal is to “end labor and human rights violations, ensure a living wage tied to a basket of needs, and help workers and their families live and work with dignity” ÷ through education and activism. The organization, under director Charles Kernaghan, has been one of the most effective groups in raising awareness about super-exploitation and horrific conditions in global sweatshops. The National Labor Committee is the producer of some valuable videos and reports on sweatshop and labor rights issues around the world (see, for example, the videos Zoned for Slavery and Mickey Mouse Goes to Haiti).
Network of Educators on the Americas (NECA)
P.O. Box 73038, Washington, DC 20056-3038. 800-763-9131; fax: 202-238-0109; e-mail:
NECA publishes excellent multicultural, global justice teaching materials, such as the Caribbean Connection series and the widely used Beyond Heroes and Holidays. NECA’s Teaching for Change catalog is the single best source for resources to rethink and teach about globalization.
One World International
One World is “a community of organizations working from a range of perspectives and backgrounds to promote sustainable development and human rights.” Described as the “global supersite on sustainable development and human rights,” this is truly an amazing website, filled with photo galleries, news, special country reports, campaigns, and the like.
Oxfam America
26 West Street, Boston, MA 02111; tel: 800-77-OXFAM and 617-482-1211; fax: 617-728-2594; e-mail:
Oxfam America is dedicated to creating lasting solutions to hunger, poverty, and social injustice through long-term partnerships with poor communities around the world. Their website features lots of educational materials and links to other global education sites.
Rainforest Action Network
221 Pine Street, Suite 500, San Francisco, CA 94104; tel: 415-398-4404; fax: 415-398-2732.
RAN works to protect the earth’s rainforests and support the rights of their inhabitants through education, grassroots organizing, and nonviolent direct action. Theirs is a must-visit, comprehensive website that includes a wealth of information, including ideas for activities and activism with students, classroomfriendly factsheets, and links to indigenous rainforest groups. RAN has a Beyond Oil Campaign that should be of interest to students who are responsive to activities in Rethinking Globalization’s chapter on consumption and the environment.
Resource Center of the Americas
3019 Minnehaha Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55406. tel.: 612-276-0788; fax: 612-276-0898; e-mail:
The Resource Center provides information and develops programs that demonstrate connections between people of Latin America, the Caribbean, and the United States. Over the years they have published a great deal of curriculum in this area. Their website includes an on-line catalog of these and other classroom materials, along with resources on critical issues about the Americas.
Rethinking Schools
1001 E. Keefe Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53212; tel.: 414-964- 9646; fax: 414-964-7220; e-mail:
Publisher of Rethinking Globalization: Teaching for Justice in an Unjust World. Its quarterly journal, Rethinking Schools, is produced largely by classroom teachers with a focus on social justice and equity. The website contains this entire resource list with all website addresses hot-linked, so all you need to do is click on them and you are taken to each site. The Rethinking Schools website also features a number of additional articles on teaching about globalization, including further resources and lesson plans that are mentioned in this book. Rethinking Schools publishes Rethinking Columbus and Rethinking Our Classrooms, volumes 1 and 2.
RUGMARK Foundation
733 15th Street, NW, Suite 920, Washington, D.C. 20005; tel: 202-347-4205; fax: 202-347-4885; e-mail:
RUGMARK is a global nonprofit organization working to end child labor and offer educational opportunities to children in India, Nepal, and Pakistan. It organizes loom and factory monitoring, sponsors consumer labeling, and runs schools for former child workers. RUGMARK recruits carpet producers and importers to make and sell carpets that are free of child labor.
Rural Advancement Foundation International
[Note that as we go to press, RAFI is considering a name change.] 110 Osborne St., Suite 202, Winnipeg MB R3L 1Y5, Canada; tel: 204-453-5259; fax: 204-925-8034; e-mail:
RAFI is dedicated to the conservation and sustainable improvement of agricultural biodiversity, and to the socially responsible development of technologies useful to rural societies. RAFI deals with issues such as the loss of genetic diversity ÷ especially in agriculture ÷ and about the impact of “intellectual property rights” on agriculture and world food security. Their searchable website is very useful, featuring articles, publications, and issue updates.
Schools for Chiapas or
1717 Kettner Blvd., Suite 110, San Diego, CA 92101; tel: 619-232-2841; fax: 617-232-0500; e-mail:
An organization working in solidarity with the struggles in Chiapas, Mexico. Mobilizes people and resources to build schools in Chiapas. The organization also sponsors trips to study Spanish and Mayan language and culture in Chiapas. The website features news articles, historical information and other resources.
4933 S. Dorchester, Chicago, IL 60615; tel: 773-924-2738; e-mail:
STITCH is a network of U.S. women working to support women’s organizing for a just wage and fair treatment on the job in Central America. STITCH has a project to document women’s organizing experiences in export industries in Central America. The interview with Yesenia Bonilla in Rethinking Globalization (see p. 142) is excerpted from STITCH’s booklet, “Women Behind the Labels: Worker Testimonies from Central America.”
Sweatshop Watch
310 Eighth Street, Suite 309, Oakland, CA 94607; tel.: 510-834-8990. And: 1250 So. Los Angeles Street, Suite 206 Los Angeles, CA 90015; tel.: 213-748-5945; e-mail:
Sweatshop Watch is a coalition of labor, community, civil rights, immigrant rights, women’s, religious, and student organizations committed to eliminating sweatshop conditions in the global garment industry. Their website provides updates on current sweatshop issues, links, and reports. Monthly e-mail action alerts available.
Third World Network
228 Macalister Road, 10400 Penang, Malaysia.
An independent nonprofit international network of organizations and individuals involved in issues relating to development, the Third World, and North-South issues. Publishes the valuable Third World Resurgence magazine. The magazine and website is an essential resource to learn more about Third World perspectives on globalization issues.
TransAfrica Forum
1744 R St., NW, Washington, DC 20009; tel: 202-797-2301; fax: 202-797-2382.
TransAfrica Forum provides commentary and scholarship on policy issues related to Africa and the Caribbean. The organization seeks to educate Americans in general, and African Americans in particular, on human rights and global economic policy. Reports on TransAfrica’s website deal with issues such as the Sub-Saharan Africa debt burden, the impact of tourism in the Caribbean, and landmines.
UNITE (Union of Needletrades, Industrial and Textile Employees)
1710 Broadway, New York, NY 10019; tel.: 212-265-7000; sweatshop campaign e-mail:
UNITE was formed by the merger of two of the nation’s oldest unions, the International Ladies’ Garment Workers’ Union (ILGWU) and the Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union (ACTWU). UNITE’s website offers information on campaigns against sweatshops, as well as government and organizational links.
United Farm Workers
UFW National Headquarters, P.O. Box 62, Keene, CA 93531.
Affiliated with the AFL-CIO, the UFW is the oldest and most prominent farm worker union in the United States. Their website includes links, current news articles, updates, and background white papers, such as “Fingers to the Bone: United States Failure to Protect Child Farm Workers,” “Fields of Poisons: California Farm Workers and Pesticides,” “Five Cents for Fairness: The Case for Change in the Strawberry Fields,” “Trouble on the Farm: Growing Up With Pesticides in Agricultural Communities,” and “Pesticides in Our Food and Water.”
United for a Fair Economy
37 Temple Place, 2nd Floor, Boston, MA 02111. tel.: 617- 423-2148; fax: 617-423-0191.
UFE provides numerous resources to organizations and individuals working to address the widening income and asset gap in the United States and around the world. They publish graphic-rich training and curriculum materials, and their website is a valuable one, including an economics library, research library, and fact sheets.
UNICEF – United Nations Children’s Fund
3 UN Plaza, New York, NY 10017; e-mail:
UNICEF produces educational materials and distributes funds to children’s programs throughout the world. Their annual The State of the World’s Children provides useful statistics.
Women of Color Resource Center
2288 Fulton Street, Suite 103, Berkeley, CA 94704-1449. tel.: 510-848-9272; fax: 510-548-3474; e-mail:
WCRC develops and distributes resources about women of color that advance social justice movements. WCRC published the valuable curriculum guide Women’s Education in the Global Economy. Their website includes excellent hard-to-find links to projects that organize around issues concentrating on women of color.
The Zapatistas, based in the southern-most Mexican state of Chiapas, have drawn worldwide attention to the plight of indigenous people in the era of free trade. Their website is mostly in Spanish, although it does have some English translations. It’s a fascinating site and the links will put students in touch with indigenous movements around the world.
ZNet/Z Magazine
Z Net is one of the most amazing websites we’ve found. Forums, commentaries from around the world, song lyrics for 530 songs-with-a-conscience, courses, analyses on global issues of all kinds. Many pre-college students might find some of the writing a bit hard-going, but there is a tremendous amount here. Z Magazine is available the old fashioned way ÷ in print. See “Journals for Global Justice,” p. 381.
Last Updated Spring 2002