Walk on the Child’s Side
As schools struggle under paralyzing budget caps, parents from all over Wisconsin will converge on the state capitol June 29 to demand the repeal of state-imposed revenue limits on schools.
Walkers will relay petitions and letters from one community to the next as they march toward Madison. People may join the walk at any point and stay for as long or as short as they like. The walk, A Walk on the Child’s Side, is a project of Price County Citizens Who Care.
Last year, dozens of teachers from Phillips School District participated in a 240-mile walk and gathered over 2,500 signatures.
This summer, walkers from northen Wisconsin will begin in Butternut on June 19. In southeastern Wisconsin, walkers leave from Kenosha on June 23 and from Milwaukee on June 24.
Revenue limits were imposed on all public schools in 1994. Districts are allowed only a small increase to cover inflation each year, so cuts in services and facilities are unavoidable.
For complete information, visit the Walk on the Child’s Side website at www.nocaps.org. For information on the southeast route, contact Wisconsin PTA at 608-244-1455.