Videos Mentioned In the Articles

*The Ad and the Ego. Available from California Newsreel, 149 Ninth St., San Francisco, CA 94103. (415) 621-6196. A teaching guide of The Ad and the Ego is available at: The transcript of the video can be found at:

*Advertising and the End of the World. Not mentioned in the articles, however, this video, produced by Sut Jhally, brilliantly analyzes advertising’s deep cultural messages, and the dire ecological effects of a society organized around production of commodities for profit. It feels too much like an illustrated lecture to interest most students, but it could be effective for teacher background or teacher education. Available from the Media Education Foundation. 800-897-0089;

Affluenza. Available from the PBS website, A teaching guide is also available on the website.

6 TV Uncommercials & the Culture Jammer’s Video. Available from The Media Foundation, 604-736-9401;

Still Killing Us Softly. An updated version is available from the Media Education Foundation,

*Videos marked with an asterisk can also be purchased from the Teaching for Change catalog, or 800-763-9131.

For a listing of websites dealing with media literacy, see the Ed-Web column for this issue.