Resources 20.1

Curriculum Resources

Children Map the World

by Jackie Anderson, Jeet Atwal, Patrick Wiegand, and Alberta Auringer Wood
(ESRI, 2005) 128 pp. $24.95
In this collection of 100 world maps, children ages 5 to 15 from throughout the world express their hopes and fears for the planet. Drawn and painted in brilliant colors for a competition sponsored by the International Cartographic Association, the maps can be used by teachers for discussion and for student projects.

* The Forbidden Book: The Philippine-American War in Political Cartoons

By Abe Ignacio, Enrique de la Cruz, Jorge Emmanuel, and Helen Toribio
(TíBoli Publishing, 2004) 176 pp. $24.95
An amazing collection of 88 colored cartoons from popular magazines, along with 133 black- and-white political cartoons from newspapers, published during the 1899-1914 U.S. war to colonize the Philippines. This rarely taught war claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of Filipinos and 5,000 Americans. On Feb. 4, 1899, the United States went to war based on a false claim that Filipinos began attacking American soldiers in Manila. In many ways, the war foreshadowed U.S. involvement in Vietnam. The cartoons and extensive narrative make this book an essential addition to any school library and a valuable tool in teaching social studies and media literacy.

Growing Up Arab-American

Edited by Youth Communications
(Youth Communications, 2005) 52 pp. (spiral bound) $10
Ten essays by Arab and Muslim youth speak about their cul- tures and heritage. An excellent resource for teachers looking to include authentic voices in their sex-curriculum. Part of “The Quick Insight Booklet Series,” 60 dif- ferent booklets that are collec- tions of essays written by teens and first published in Youth Connections and Represent: The Voice of Youth Who Care magazines. Topics of other booklets include Asian-American identi- ty, bullying, drugs, gangs, and many more. For a complete list- ing, go to

Holding Values: What We Mean by Progressive Education

Edited by Brenda Engel and Anne Martin
(Heinemann, 2005) 200 pp. $19.50
A collection of 26 essays by members of the North Dakota Study Group, a loose-knit group of educators that has promoted progressive education since 1972. This engaging book covers lots of territory including the history of progressive education, diversity and anti-racism, testing and assessment, and education’s relationship to democracy. Both theoretical and practical, many of the essays have a personal edge.

* Teaching and Learning in a Diverse World, 3rd Edition

By Patricia G. Ramsey (Teachers College Press, 2004)
216 pp. $23.95
A veteran early childhood educator has reissued her now-classic book. Ramsey takes on the complex issues of teaching about race, class, culture, gender, sexual orientation, and disabilities to the youngest children. She blends concrete classroom anecdotes with crisp theoretical explanations of these difficult issues. An excellent book for study circles by early childhood and primary school teachers.

An Unnatural Disaster: A Critical Resource Guide for Addressing the Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in the Classroom

By the New York Collective of Radical Educators (NYCORE, 2005)
13 pp. Free at
A collection of teaching ideas and Internet links helpful in looking at racial, class, ecological, and public policy aspects of Hurricane Katrina.

Policy Matters

Beyond the Big House: African American Educators on Teacher Education

By Gloria Ladson-Billings (Teachers College Press, 2005)
156 pp. $21.95
Using in-depth interviews and storytelling, Ladson-Billings paints moving portraits of seven leading African-American teacher educators. The seven— Lisa Delpit, Carl Grant, Jacqueline Jordan Irvine, Geneva Gay, Cherry McGee Banks, William Tate, and Joyce King—share insights on race and education gleaned from decades of work trying to improve teacher education in this country. An important con- tribution to the discussion on teacher quality.

Childhood Lost: How American Culture Is Failing Our Kids

Edited by Sharna Olman (Praeger, 2005)
190 pp. $39.95
A powerful collection of essays that demonstrate how our soci- ety is conducting a war on chil- dren. Examines media violence, commercialization and the sexualization of childhood, obesity, and failed government and corporate policies on parental leave, minimum wage, and unregulated day care. A useful handbook for educators, parents, and policymakers.

Earth Democracy: Justice, Sustainability and Peace

By Vandana Shiva
(South End Press, 2005) 194 pp. $16
Internationally known global justice advocate Vandana Shiva presents a coherent and pas- sionate case for why the public “commons” should be defended and expanded. Tracing the struggle over the public sphere from the initial enclosure of the British commons, Shiva argues against the forces that are shrinking the commons today such as the patenting of genetic material and privatization of water. Shiva poses “earth democracy” as an alternative in which the masses of people participate in determining policies that bring social justice and eco- logical sustainability to the planet.

Reading for Profit: How the Bottom Line Leaves Kids Behind

Edited by Bess Altwerger (Heinemann, 2005)
260 pp. $23
Leading educators and researchers analyze the growing addiction to scripted reading programs like Open Court and Direct Instruction. A well- researched and well-reasoned book that should be useful in the struggle for reading pro- grams that put children’s learning ahead of corporate profit.

Seeking Common Ground: Public Schools in a Diverse Society

By David Tyack
(Harvard University Press, 2003) 237 pp. $22.95
The noted educational historian examines three key tensions in schooling in the United States: education for “citizenship,” social diversity, and school governance. The book weaves together historical and contemporary analysis to defend public schools while offering critical insights.

Status Quo or Status Queer: A Radical Rethinking of Sexuality and Schooling

By Eric Rofes
(Rowman & Littlefield, 2005) 169 pp. $22.95
Eric Rofes covers a range of important issues in this book, all from a critical vantage point. He looks at anti-gay harassment in school, children’s literature on gay themes, HIV education, and school policies on a variety of gay and lesbian issues. His forceful arguments for a critical reexamination of liberal assumptions about approaches to gay issues will challenge many educators.

Picture Books

Giving Thanks

By Jonathan London
Paintings by Gregory Manchess (Candlewick Press, 2005)
32 pp. $6.99
In this beautifully illustrated book, a son tells what his father has learned from his Native-American friends about giving thanks to living things. The painted pictures, along with the simple text provide opportunities for teachers of young children to discuss the importance of cherishing nature.

The Trouble with Henry: A Tale of Walden Pond

By Deborah O’Neal and Angela Wetengard Illustrated by S.D. Schindler
(Candlewick Press, 2005) 40 pp. $16.99 Hardback,
A fictionalized tale of how Henry Thoreau fights affluent townspeople who want to destroy the natural setting of Walden Woods. The story raises questions about the relative value of fancy clothes and material things. Although not mentioned in the story, the book might offer teachers the oppor- tunity to share with students Thoreau’s opposition to slavery and the 1846-48 war in which the United States took nearly one half of Mexico.

Conferences & Events

Students and Educators to Stop the War Fall Conference

Saturday, Nov. 19, 2005, 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. with evening program Manual Arts High School, 4131 S. Vermont, Los Angeles

Workshops on the impact of the war on education, anti-military recruitment organizing, teaching about the war, and anti-war activities of unions. Register online at or email

New York Collective of Radical Educators (NYCORE)

Inquiry to Action Groups NYCORE is offering four discussion/action groups: 1.Transforming Mainstream Curriculum into Social Justice Teaching; 2. Authentic Assessment in a Test-Crazed Context; 3. Creating Powerful Parent/Teacher Relationships for School Change; and 4. See All That You Can See: Under- standing and Teaching About the Military Industrial Complex from a Systemic Perspective. Eight sessions each, between October and March.

Resources reviewed by Bob Peterson. *Available from Teaching for Change.