Our Struggle is…
The following are 13 statements that form the heart of the Zapatista movement. The term “bad government” is used by the Zapatistas to refer to the Mexican government.
Our struggle is to make ourselves heard, and the bad government shouts arrogance and closes its ears with cannons.
Our struggle is because of hunger, and the bad government gives us lead and paper for our children’s stomachs.
Our struggle is for a decent roof over our heads, and the bad government destroys our houses and our history.
Our struggle is for knowledge, and the bad government spreads ignorance and contempt.
Our struggle is for land, and the bad government offers us cemeteries.
Our struggle is for a fair and dignified job, and the bad government buys and sells bodies and shame.
Our struggle is for life, and the bad government offers death as the future.
Our struggle is for respect for our right to govern and to govern ourselves, and the bad government imposes the laws of the minority on the majority.
Our struggle is for freedom of thought and our way of life, and the bad government lays out jails and graves.
Our struggle is for justice, and the bad government is full of criminals and assassins.
Our struggle is for history, and the bad government proposes oblivion.
Our struggle is for the homeland, and the bad government dreams of a foreign flag and language.
Our struggle is for peace, and the bad government announces war and destruction.
Housing, land, work, bread, education, independence, democracy, liberty, justice, and peace.
These were our banners at the dawn of 1994. These were our requests during the long night of 500 years. These are, today, our demands.