Riverwest Neighbors Win New Fratney School
This September, Fratney Street Elementary School will become the home of a bold initiative in innovative education. Responding to a groundswell of community support, and a carefully designed plan submitted […]
Postpone Reading Basal Adoption: Consider Whole Language Approaches
Since the beginning of this school year the MPS Reading Textbook Adoption Committee has been meeting two hours a week to consider a new basal reading program for the Milwaukee […]
Social Promotion and the Basal Reader
Social promotion, the practice of passing children on to the next grade level even if they are functioning significantly below grade level academically, came under sharp criticism several years ago. […]
A Ruling for Censorship…
William Berkeley, governor of Virginia, thanked God there were no free schools Md no printing in the colonies, for learning has brought disobedience and heresy…into the world.” In 1943 Justice […]
Recipe for Teaching Reading: ‘Hold the Basal’
“It is important for the school system to offer opportunities for teachers to learn about other methods, to give those who have ideas a chance to share with their colleagues.” […]
Down, But not Out: OBE Remains Embattled
Outcome Based Education (OBE), the ambitious “curriculum and instruction management system” which MPS officials hope to implement, has temporarily been put on hold. After listening to testimony on OBE at […]
NCTE Issues Basal Report Card
Not often do educators get to issue a report card on a major educational program, but the National Council of Teachers of English recently did just that. They didn’t even […]
Madeline Hunter’s Teaching Machine
Editor’s note: Recently in Milwaukee’, as across the country, there has been renewed interest in Marline Hunter’s techniques. In hopes that it will spark debate, the following was reprinted and […]
Volume 2, No.3
Spring 1988
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